Saturday, April 7, 2018

Military Times Has Compiled A Database Of U.S. Military Aviation Mishaps-Accidents From 2010 - 2017

Through multiple Freedom of Information requests, Military Times obtained data for every Class A through Class C aviation mishap that has occurred since fiscal year 2011. More than 7,500 records were obtained. An analysis of the data shows manned warplane accidents have spiked nearly 40 percent since 2013, the year the mandated budget cuts known as sequestration took effect. The records can be searched by aircraft type, base, fiscal year and location.

Military Times: Through multiple Freedom of Information requests, Military Times obtained data for every Class A through Class C aviation mishap that has occurred since fiscal year 2011. More than 7,500 records were obtained. An analysis of the data shows manned warplane accidents have spiked nearly 40 percent since 2013, the year the mandated budget cuts known as sequestration took effect. The records can be searched by aircraft type, base, fiscal year and location.

WNU Editor: There are a lot of accidents and mishaps in this database (over 7,500 to be exact). The link to the database is here .... Military Times Crash Database.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Military Times did better work than some other outlets.

My criticism and it is not much of a criticism at all, since the general professional level of journalism is abysmal, nay criminal bordering on genocidal, but if we want to look at seasonality outside of any trends, would want to go back to 2000 or maybe perhaps 1984. I've never tried decomposing data for 2 different seasonalities.

It is not much a criticism since Military Times has to file many Freedom of Information requests and various factions with in the government deploy Fabian tactics to shape the battlefield in the public sphere.

There are many, many cunctators in the Beltway or in any org.

All told the Times did great work.