Sunday, April 8, 2018

What Should The U.S. Do In The Event Of A War Between Israel And Iran?

Soldiers of the Givati Brigade train alongside US Army forces in the urban warfare training center. Photo taken November 2016. Photo by Cpl. Zohar Orbach, IDF Spokesperson's Unit.

Jerusalem Post: What should the US role be in an Iran-Israel war?

Israel must weigh carefully any request for direct US military assistance, which should be viewed as an option of last resort.

On March 20, 2018, Israel admitted that it bombed Syrian President Bashar Assad’s nuclear reactor in 2007. If Israel attacks Iran’s nuclear sites the latter will respond. Two weeks ago a large-scale joint US-Israeli military exercise took place in Israel, focused on the scenario of an Iranian attack on Israel. Should the United States defend Israel from such a threat?

Particularly since the late 1960s there have been close relations between Israel and the US, including at the military level. Yet there is no official military pact between them. The US has given Israel, since 1949, more than $124 billion in military aid. The Israeli military, mostly its air force, has been based on American weapon systems. The concept was that the US provides Israel with weapons but not troops, since Israel relies on its own. American weapons, Israeli blood.

Read more ....

 WNU Editor: Even though the U.S. and Israel have had their ups and downs in the past few decades .... this alliance is very strong. And in the event of war, the U.S. will do what is necessary to safeguard the state of Israel.


Unknown said...

Defend Israel. Why do we ask ourselves this question? Is it not evident yet?

fazman said...

It's a valid question with serious reprocussiions for u.s security throughout the middle east.
If an Iranian attack is a counter attack then the answer is even less obvious.

ROB VET said...

We should defend an aparthied dtate that thats colonized/ing land under guise of military occupation. Now Israel is not going nowhere and are there to stay and has right to exist even if illegal. and any region enemy that attacks or threatens Israel does not fair well at allbut we need to stop supporting them with weopons aid and diplomatic cove until they follow international law and stop comitting war crimes

ROB VET said...

We shouldnt defend an aparthied dtate that thats colonized/ing land under guise of military occupation. Now Israel is not going nowhere and are there to stay and has right to exist even if illegal. and any region enemy that attacks or threatens Israel does not fair well at allbut we need to stop supporting them with weopons aid and diplomatic cove until they follow international law and stop comitting war crimes

ROB VET said...

Shouldn't* typo

Hamilcar Barca said...

The question iself is stupid , USA can t do shit , cuz Iran is allied with Russia and China and belive me Europe and the rest of the world wont do nothing !

fred said...

Not sure but:
1. Russia will not be idle...they now are allied with Iran
2. Saudis fiercely opposed to Iran and they might well be involved
3. When things go bad, Israel has a number of nukes
4. If Trump dumps the nuke treaty, Iran will develop nukes

fazman said...

For all anyone knows they may well be developing nukes as military bases are off limits for inspectors.

fred said...


report at this site by Mossad that they are sure Iran (100%) has or is developing nukes...if that is so, then Saudis have said they will develop or buy theirs...Turkey also suggested they would too

Anonymous said...

Well then, it looks like Saudi and Turkey will have nukes soon. Obama as stupid to sign onto the treaty, without any way to verify Iranian compliance

fred said...

there is a way to verify if Iran does what it was to do. If Obama did not sign on, what of the other 5 nations? Iran would develop openly without the treaty. Now we have to ask what Trump will do. When Obama left office there is NO evidence that Iran had nukes....but that was over a year ago. New guy in the White House for some time now