Sunday, July 8, 2018

U.S. Secretary Of State Pompeo Answers Pyongyang Accusation That He Operated Like A 'Gangster' By Responding The 'World Is A Gangster'

CNN: Mike Pompeo dismisses North Korea's 'gangster' comments, says talks are going well

(CNN)US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dismissed North Korea's accusation of a "gangster-like mindset" in denuclearization talks, saying the two nations had productive conversations that will continue in the days ahead.

Pompeo brushed aside the comments Sunday, saying "if those requests were gangster-like, the world is a gangster," and noting that the UN Security Council has been clear on what North Korea needs to achieve.

He spoke in Tokyo with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts after two days of talks in Pyongyang.

While his talks with North Korean officials were conducted in good faith and they reaffirmed their commitment to abandoning nuclear weapons, he said, the US sanctions against the nation will remain in place.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The next round of U.S. - North Korean talks is later this month.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Capitalist U.S. invaded, or sponsored invasions of and occupied Nicaragua, Cuba, Mexico, Philippines, Iraq, China and managed to massacre 2+ million Vietnamese (they even out -did the "exhibit blah blah blah" commies!!!).

All that, and a lot more, in the span of little more than a century.

So your points are the usual dog whistling garbage you post regularly.

By all accounts gangster NORKS calling American leaders gangsters is more a note of familiarity, or acknowledgement of peers, than contempt.

So while Don Cheeto (sans consiglieri Cohen) touching pee pees with Kimmy The (water buffalo) Bull was no Apalachin, it tells us a whole lot about keepin' it real between gangstas.
And Rush Limbaugh is a liar and racist.

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jac said...

Again and again and again, the problem is China! We are at war with China on trade and China pressure NoKo for a negative way. That's it!