Saturday, September 15, 2018

Political Party That Has Vowed To Curb Immigration Poised To Win In The Province Of Quebec

Bloomberg: Party Vowing to Curb Immigration Favored to Win Quebec Election

A changing of the guard appears to be on the horizon in Quebec.

With less than three weeks to go before the Oct. 1 election, an upstart alliance that’s pledging to reduce immigration is favored to oust the Liberal Party that’s governed the French-speaking Canadian province for all but two of the past 15 years.

Coalition Avenir Quebec, the eight-year-old party led by former airline executive and education minister Francois Legault, is leading in the polls -- though recent surveys show it may lack the support required to win a majority.

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WNU Editor: I live in the French province of Quebec, and I am seeing this play out right now. The ruling provincial Liberal government was hoping that 4 years of balanced budgets and the lowest unemployment rate in 4 decades would propel them back to power, but the campaign has shifted to the policy of open-door immigration and the government's support of it. This is a losing issue for them, and they will be swept out of power on just this one issue. This election result will also impact the ruling federal Liberal government that is lead by Prime Minister Trudeau. They are are in power today because of the support that they received from French Quebec voters in the last election. That support is now "weak" at best. Speaking of next year's Canadian federal election. My friends in Ottawa are telling me that the Trudeau Liberals will be running their campaign on a fiercely and vocal anti-Trump message, and will be branding their opposition as Trump-like (which they are not). Here is an easy prediction. U.S. Presidents tend to stay away from commenting on Canadian elections. But from what I am hearing on what the Trudeau Liberals are going to say .... I cannot help but feel that President Trump will respond.


Anonymous said...

And since Quebec is so pro choice and pro euthanasia and their demographics is pathetically low, who will pay for their socialist paradise????? Good luck at attracting non-French speakers in a province that is unilingual French...pauvre petits

Anonymous said...

Think of birthrates as a sinusoidal wave.

It is low now, but later it can rebound.