Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Pipe Bombs Sent To The Clinton's New York Home, The Obama's DC Home And CNN's Head Office - Secret Service Suspect Serial Attacker

Daily Mail: Pipe bombs are sent to the Clinton's New York home, the Obama's DC home and CNN's HQ - just days after a similar device was found at billionaire George Soros' property as Secret Service suspect serial attacker

* Secret Service said Wednesday they intercepted two packages en route to Obama's Washington home and Hillary Clinton's New York residence
* Another suspicious package was also discovered Wednesday at the Time Warner Center in New York where CNN's newsroom is located
* Investigators believe the devices are all similar to a small bomb found at billionaire George Soros' home in New York on Monday
* Earlier, a law enforcement source said they believed there had also been a package intercepted at the White House but Secret Service later denied it

Multiple explosive devices have been found in the mail addressed to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and CNN's New York newsroom - as investigators probe whether the 'similar' packages are the work of a serial bomber.

Secret Service agents revealed on Wednesday they had intercepted two packages en route to former President Obama's Washington D.C. home and Hillary and Bill Clinton's property in Chappaqua, New York.

A short time later another suspicious package was discovered at the Time Warner Center in New York where CNN's newsroom is located.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The White House has responded .... Sarah Sanders says the White House condemns 'despicable terrorizing acts' against Obama, the Clintons and 'other public figures' as Secret Service intercepts suspicious packages (Daily Mail). What's my take .... talk about timing .... before this news story become public I posted a story early this morning on October surprises during an election cycle. And these mail pipe-bombs are an October surprise. I am by my nature always skeptical on news events that are posted by the media .... especially a week or two before an election. In this case .... considering the context I am doubly suspicious and skeptical. None of the bombs exploded, and they were intercepted at the sorting station after being screened (with the exception of the package that was hand delivered to Mr. Soros' home). I take comfort in knowing that if this case is real, the person(s) will probably be arrested by the end of week, and we will know who is/are the perpetrator(s). I am also sure in the next few hours/days more details are going to be released, and that this story will be dominating the news cycle for the next few days.

Update: Just an after-thought. Why send pipe-bombs to former President Obama and the Clintons? They are now minor players in Democrat politics and U.S. politics. This makes no sense.

More News On Pipe Bombs Being Sent To The Clinton's New York Home, The Obama's DC Home, And CNN's Head Office

The Latest: NYPD: devices all similar crude pipe bombs -- AP
Live Updates: Suspicious packages sent to Time Warner Center, Clinton and Obama -- CNN
Suspected bombs sent to Obama and Clinton homes as CNN building evacuated – live -- The Guardian
Explosive devices sent to Obama, Clintons; CNN evacuated -- AP
Suspicious packages sent to Clinton, Obama contained crude explosive devices -- CBS
4 Apparent Explosive Devices Sent to Hillary Clinton, Obama, CNN Correspondent and George Soros Are Linked: Sources -- NBC New York
Suspicious Device Removed From Time Warner Center; Other Packages Found Near Clinton, Obama Homes -- CBS New York
Explosive devices sent to Obama, Clintons as CNN evacuated over suspicious package -- ABC News
Suspected explosives sent to Obama and Clinton homes in mail -- DW
'Possible explosive devices' sent to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton through the mail, US Secret Service says -- ABC News Online
'Potential explosive devices' sent to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama -- Guardian
'Explosive device' sent to Hillary Clinton and Obama -- BBC
Pipe bomb hand-delivered to George Soros' mailbox, authorities say -- ABC News
Mail bombs target the Clintons and Obama days after Soros scare -- RT
The moment CNN staff evacuate live on air after bomb scare at is New York newsroom -- Daily Mail


Anonymous said...

"Why send pipe-bombs to former President Obama and the Clintons?" Why indeed.

You are just asking questions WNU editor. I'm just asking questions.


Who sent these things? I'm just asking questions. I am smart. I am not dumb. I am smart.

Anonymous said...

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Suspicious package sent to Florida offices of Democrat congresswoman

Anonymous said...

OK not sure what the above anon is talking about, but sounds slightly loony (Fred is that you again? Take your meds)
Anyways. .wnu I agree. Here are my thoughts

1. First Soros was targeted
2. Then, a full two days later, these pipe bombs
3. None of the bombs went off, but they had black powder in them. Crude and can be purchased anywhere.

All targeted individuals are high ranking Democrats or Democrat sympathisers. But the bombs were clearly meant to not go off. All three. Looks more like a publicity stunt by a leftwing nut (Fred,where were you the last few days?) to make it look like a right wing attack on Democrats.

It wouldn't make sense for a right wing loony to do this now as the blue wave is completely falling apart and if it helps anyone, it's helping Democrats (I can already see the talking points and Hillary's comments were incredibly political right after)... also. If you want to actually Hit a target, you wouldn't pause two days in between because all postal operators were on hightened alert after the Soros incident on Monday.

My takeaway:
This seems to be an attempt to influence the election
And the only ones benefiting (but not being hurt) are the Democrats

I hope they get this guy or group as quickly as you say. Obviously not a smart person. Again. ..where was the little parrot? ;)

Anonymous said...


Matthew Putnam said...

Its the left shooting itself in the foot again. People on the right have no incentive to do this. Not even the tiny pocket of right wing extremists with a grudge. The midterms are right around the corner, and they need more for their slander campaign offensive than the organized migrant caravan that CNN will show interviews of "desperate people being separated and push back by our fascist Trump nazi military personnel". Look out for a few other scenarios and incidents as it gets closer. Bunch of idiots.

Matthew Putnam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Republican leaders rushed Wednesday to decry the suspected explosive devices sent to three Democrats and a news network that President Trump has repeatedly demonized, saying that such acts cannot be tolerated despite the corrosive tone on the campaign trail.

Anonymous said...

the war is about to explode in your face..... street justice

Anonymous said...

Republican leaders rushed Wednesday to decry the suspected explosive devices sent to three Democrats and a news network that President Trump has repeatedly demonized, saying that such acts cannot be tolerated despite the corrosive tone on the campaign trail.

Arthur Itus said...


Matthew Putnam said...

Yes Anon,

Because Trump has repeatedly demonized CNN and doesn't like democrats he must have send the pipe bombs himself!!! Your attention to detail enables you such an unparalleled keen, causal and therefor reasonable assessment on the matter. No one except the democrats gain anything from this. No one. I am surprised that one of the bombs weren't designed to go off, injuring the minority residential/plantation "tenant" for these democrats.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how people with a brain agree that the only ones benefiting are the Democrats - as all polling indicated that the Senate remains in Republicans power and might even gain seats. But, look at how the parrot reacts.. immediately swearing like crazy. This guy is not normal. Plus he has military background. Fred, where were you? :))
OK kidding - I won't accuse you, and I don't blame you. But please think about what you say.. this looks like a job to put blame on Republicans.
The only thing I would say looks a bit weird is that a pipe bomb was sent to Brennan @ CNN. BUT... he does not work at CNN but MSNBC. So whoever did this, didn't really watch MSNBC or CNN. But just thought he works there.. either a rushed job, or perhaps really a crazy dumb Republican. But all the mob mentality, the thuggery is on the left side. It just doesn't smell like Republican. We are the ones who think logically and consider presumption of innocence and due process, while the left screamed at the top of their lungs ("we believe her" -- but not "we believe him", despite all evidence and witnesses were on HIS side, not HERs).. anyways.. it keeps it interesting ;)

DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE. We cannot let mobs rule the streets and intimidate us

Anonymous said...

Also, really interesting -- the white powder sent with the pipe bomb to the CNN building was likely not Anthrax and just an inert powder. BUT -- and this is key -- it created maximum news coverage. Again, to influence the election and make Republicans look bad. At least to me it looks like that

Anonymous said...

Either a disturbed individual, or a red herring. Take youre pick.

Anonymous said...

(if you send white powder people assume it's anthrax or something along those lines and are concerned it could spread through the air conditioning, hence the complete evacuation of the building and massive media coverage with thousands of people on the streets)...

Whoever it was, someone who is against Trump.. could be China, could be a leftwing nutjob, could be Russians

Anonymous said...

Another party who is very happy now is the Saudis. See how the news cycle changed? Despite Erdogan's speech. Now all of a sudden we don't talk about the slain reporter.

Anonymous said...

AND we don't talk about the migrant caravan anymore, which should make Democrats verrry happy

Matthew Putnam said...

WNU editor,

Did you delete my second comment??

Roger Smith said...

Well, I enjoyed this spectacle and laughed out loud at the craziness.

A. Too much nonsense from liberal media. Republican backlash.
B. Attempt to give Republican's a black eye at the polls by confronting dim-o-crat icons. dim-o-crat plot.
C. Roger Smith. Beekeeper stung once too many times.

What a zoo.

War News Updates Editor said...

Just reading everyone's comments now. But no, I have not deleted anyone's comments.

fazman said...

That Putin,such a prankster

War News Updates Editor said...

I just checked and noticed that a comment made by you was deleted at 15:38?!?!?!
I do not understand.
Google's filter for profanity is on that prevents offensive comments being posted, but there is always a record of the person's comment. But there is o record of your comment except that it was deleted.
I do not like this, and I am investigating further.

Anonymous said...

Probably just Google suppressing republican commentary again ;-))

War News Updates Editor said...

Blogger tells me that the comment was removed by the blog administrator. Since I am the only blog administrator and I did not remove it I am deeply disturbed by this.
The only explanation that makes sense to me is that I was preparing a comment on this post and I then decided at the last moment to delete it. I am now wondering if I accidentally deleted yours at the same time. If so. I deeply apologize. But I am still mystified on how it happened, and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Anonymous said...

Why not, dear friends, simply call this fake news since it comes from MSM...The childish "explanations" here given to explain why it MUST be from the left truly tell any decent reader what stupid fools so many are that wallow in
Trump world.

Matthew Putnam said...

WNU Editor,

I have been following your blog since I joined the military in 2008 and have always appreciated your policy of never engaging in censorship by deleting comments; regardless of how bad they cant get sometimes. I really hope that you figure out what happened, and hopefully this is not going to be a reoccurring thing for people with "opposing views". Thanks for your help and let me know if you figure out what happened.



Anonymous said...

Funny how the parrot comments under "Anon" name but then attacks other Anons when they comment as anons.. having it both ways, eh, hypocrite parrot?:)

War News Updates Editor said...

I have spent the past hour trying to figure this one out.
And yes .... I hate censorship. I have deleted comments before, but only those that are beyond crazy.
What I do know is that I did delete a comment that I was drafting at the same time that Google tells me that your comment was deleted. So logically it has to be me. But what I do not understand is how did that happen. How did I delete your comment and my draft comment at the same time?
Sighhhh ....
Again sorry.
Now I am super curious on what you posted. :)

Anonymous said...

welcome, right-wingers, to membership in the Alex Jones nutty conspiracy home... join the other kooks hanging out here

Right-Wing Commentators Have Already Decided the Explosive Packages Are a False Flag

what do you plan on doing if the perp is caught and you are again dead wrong, lying A-holes? Oh, right. Slink back under a rock..I on the other hand, if it turns out that it is a Dem plot will apologize in public...more than you have the guts to do when you are wrong
That didn’t take long.

Matthew Putnam said...

WNU Editor,

Alrighty, well I wouldn't worry to much about it unless you start getting an influx of people of asking you about it. Regarding the comment itself, the subject matter was mainly a knock at Fred and the new Anon that posts hyperlinks and verbal diarrhea coincidentally just like Fred did before he disappeared behind new his anon mask. Just to satisfy your curiosity but unfortunately disappoint haha. Anyway, thanks for the update!

fred said...

Truman: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

fred said...

Reports of a suspicious package addressed to the White House are 'incorrect,' Secret Service says

The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that reports of a suspicious package addressed to the White House are "incorrect."
"CLARIFICATION: At this time the Secret Service has intercepted TWO suspicious packages - one in NY and one in D.C. Reports of a third intercepted package addressed to the WH are incorrect," the agency wrote in a post on Twitter.
Earlier in the day CNN reported that a package apparently containing a pipe bomb that was addressed to the White House was intercepted.

Anonymous said...

Fred why do you comment under Anon if you so proudly will admit you were wrong? Also, take your meds..I'm seriously worried about you.

Anonymous said...

Who benefits from this?

And righteous smut porn website operator Fred, of course. Someone should investigate that guy, he's not normal

Roger Smith said...

Bernie 4:34PM, you are misinterpreting things; that Americans would even consider the dim-o-crats being behind this mail scare doesn't say much for those of a dim-o-crat persuasion now, does it. Note that no one is blaming Mother Theresa but some are blaming the dims. Why would anyone blame the dims? We all know they are born with halos and wings. It's genetic. Why, "the most transparent administration in American history" was Democratic. By the way, my friend, have you cashed that savings check from enrolling in obamacare? What was it? $2,500?

Actions have consequences.

fred said...

where is the health plan that gop promised to replace Obama care?
that said: I am waiting the fbi, more reliable than the silly stuff posted here. But for sure Trump has inflamed his base about any number of Democrats and most of our press...there is no denying that is not to accuse the right or the left for this, but fact is, hate spreads like cancer

Matthew Putnam said...

Fred says hate spreads like cancer! The infallible Freddy is not at all militantly partisan, attacking people while talking down and name calling others who do the same. The only thing more rabid and frothy than Freds cunt at times is the left as a whole at every rally, speech, most news networks etc. The spillover is mental! When Fred is on his meds he uses his normal SN and behaves fairly reasonable and can actually add value at times, but when he is off he uses the Anon name and belches course froth at everyone not in his echo chamber. I used to get annoyed with all the clutter in the comments, but its turning to golden humor. Hypocrisy is getting an audience.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Fred is a name caller and what's worse yet he now claims to be "waiting" for the fbi report. I was telling him two years ago he should wait what the evidence says. HE Wanted to form a lynch mob, called trump a traitor (a crime punishable by death in some cases).he is absolutely mental and scary. And he is the one operating a filthy porn smut website and then calls us deplorables. He is such a mirror image of the hypocrisy on the left it's unbelievable. I'm almost certain a guy like him did that bomb operation today. Do get out and vote, guys. We cannot have people like him run anything.

Anonymous said...

Go seek help

Philoctes said...

fred this and fred that. you accuse me of stuff i never said...and you stalk me and go to my site and if you are so Mr Clean why are you there" tip: I have many women who visit my site and I get a lot of traffic and have had the site for over 15 years and it is free and no ads! so A.S. keep away from my site. It deals with ideas and you would be lost...frankly, you are tiresome. You admire a guy that calls for violence (fact) and you wallow in the past as though Obama was a horrible guy when in fact he got us out of Recession (fact) and gave us health plan (fact) that was to be replaced (has not taken place). so sweetie pie, go forth with your beliefs...If you do not like name calling then STOP calling names for I will give as I get. A guy like him did that bombing? You mean the guy whose van was plastered with Trump stickers and is (fact) a registered Republican? see: you simply are either dumb or fully mininformed...I would guess a combo of both.