Az Central: Migrant caravan: Tijuana declares humanitarian crisis, asks for international help
The mayor of Tijuana declared an international humanitarian crisis on Thursday over the arrival of more than 5,000 mostly Central American migrants traveling in a caravan.
The migrants have streamed into the border city in the past week to seek asylum in the United States.
During a press conference Thursday, Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum asked international groups like the United Nations to step in help the city deal with the influx of migrants, amid a lagging response from the Mexican federal government, which he accused of neglecting their responsibilities to deal with migrant and immigration issues.
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Update: Migrants defy Trump at Mexico border as US forces flex muscle (AFP)
WNU Editor: By threatening to close the border (President Trump Warns He May Shut Down Southern Border) if this policy is not adopted by Mexico .... Trump's new plan would force asylum seekers to remain in Mexico as cases are processed (National Post/Washington Post) .... Mexico will be stuck with paying the bill to take care of these migrants. You cannot say that President Trump did not warn them .... 'We will NEVER pay for a wall,' Mexico's foreign minister tells President Donald Trump via Twitter (USA Today).
The caravan is fake and made up and only talked about for the midterms -All of mainstream media
I'd agree, BUT to be precise, poverty won't be up for all.
Only the lower-mid income class (<60k) will feel the initial pressure. And, in fact, the rich (>250k) get richer because of cheap labour they can use instead of American labour. Anything from gardening to hotels to gastronomy to maintenance and construction/easy repair jobs like for computers and phones too. And in 3-5 years those guys will get to vote and ofc they'll vote Democrat for making THEIR American dream come true and be able to send money back home to south America (instead of investing it in the US!).
The rest, "the collateral", as Nancy Pelosi put it, well those guys are just expandable. F $ck their dreams and families. Should have gotten a white collar job and worked in the valley if they wanted money and be acceptable to Democrats.
Meanwhile we all know that exactly those low cost workers will be replaced by automation and AI in 10-20yrs and end up without money, dead-broke in the US. Then revisit what you said about crime. It'll be brutal.
But hey, don't listen to me, I'm of course a racist and bigot for voicing my concern. Participating in the democratic process and voicing opinions is only acceptable if you're on their side and repeat their talking points.
And remember:
- spying is not spying
- mobs are not mobs
- the accused have to prove their innocence (unless Democrat of course, then presumption of innocence and due process matters)
- civility can be restored when we are back in power
I'm sad that Americans voted for Democrats in the midterms. .on the promise of healthcare, I get it. .but you're selling cornerstones of our democracy, judicial system and the economy. I hope it'll be worth it.
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