Wednesday, December 12, 2018

China Expands Its Anti-Submarine Capability

Infograph of Chinese Y-8 GX6 Maritime Patrol and Anti-submarine warfare aircraft

Lyle J. Goldstein, National Interest: China Girds for Undersea Battle in the South China Sea

Beijing is setting up a new aircraft unit that will be crucial to its new southern bastion.

There has been significant press attention to some of China’s shiny, new military toys, such as the DF-26 “carrier killer” anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM), the much-discussed J-20 fighter program , not to mention Beijing’s aircraft carrier program. Lately, the community of PLA-watchers is buzzing with rumors that China will soon roll out a stealth bomber . These are all legitimate subjects of discussion, to be sure, but we should not neglect the less flashy items in Beijing’s toolbox that could also have a major impact on the strategic balance.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  China's neighbors are investing heavily in submarines .... Vietnam Has a Plan to Win a War Against China. (And China Could Use It Against America) (National Interest), and China is getting ready for it.


Anonymous said...

This is news that more people should be talking about.

China has historically been extremely weak in the department of Anti-Submarine Warfare. Right now, the Chinese navy would be, at best, locked in port in the event of conflict with it enemies in the region. It really is that bad.

While I doubt this new ASW squadron will be enough to change that, this is probably only the start of their corrective actions on the subject.

James said...

You're right. They have to start somewhere. People need to remember nothing lasts forever, 250 yrs ago Britain ruled the seas and everyone thought they would forever.