Wednesday, January 9, 2019

President Trump's Border Speech (News Roundup)

FOX News: Trump, in first-ever prime time Oval Office address, laments 'crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul' at border

President Trump used his first-ever prime time address from the Oval Office on Tuesday night to make his case for funding a southern border wall -- as well as to emphasize the human cost of what he called the "growing humanitarian and security crisis" of surging illegal immigration.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I found President Trump's speech to be blunt and to the point in outlining the problems on the border. The Democrats should not have put Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to do the rebuttal. And as for the media .... the fact checkers were mainly pundits/journalists giving their opinions.

More News On President Trump's Border Speech

Five takeaways from Trump’s Oval Office address -- The Hill
7 Takeaways From President Trump's Oval Office Address -- NPR
Trump declares border crisis, Democrats say he has "chosen fear" -- CBS
Trump wall: President addresses nation on border 'crisis' -- BBC
Donald Trump makes case for border wall in prime-time Oval Office speech -- DW
Donald Trump stops short of declaring national emergency over border wall, blames Democrats for Government shutdown -- ABC News Online
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Get Roasted on Twitter for Their Response to Donald Trump's National Address -- Newsweek
Trump demands border wall; Dems say he deals in 'fear, not facts' -- Al Jazeera


RussInSoCal said...

Yep. Pelosi/Schumer are getting mocked hard on twitter. Robo-Schumer and Pelosi with her ridiculous coffin-face makeover. Parroting the same leftist talking points they've been mouthing for the last 2 years. Arrogant, elite and condescending as per usual. The needle is unmoved.



Anonymous said...

I was a little disappointed that Trump didn’t mention the Tijuana river and the 100’s of millions of gallons of raw sewage and industrial waste that end up in US waters every year. On top of that I just noticed something from a journalist video report who was doing a border patrol ride along in the Tijuana area. In the areas where the fence bumps up against housing there are massive piles of garbage and waste that looks like it’s just being thrown over the short wall...real nice, thanks Mexico. I’m going to have to side with the border patrol agents and say there needs to be vast improvements in existing border barriers, and extensions in high traffic areas.

Anonymous said...

this is a good example of how we repeat our biases!
1. more watched the rebuttal than watched Trump
2. Trump said nothing that had not been said a number of times previously and so no big emergency but a political stunt that has failed.
3. no one denies that security needs fixing...that is not what this is all about.
4. the money asked for (already costs more from the govt shutdown) hardly covers the full area of the border.
5. don't like the fact checks? list where they were incorrect!
6. the humanitarian issue was caused by the way the administration is dealing with this issue!
7. water issues? that can only be solved by a joint agreement with the two bordering nations and NOT by a wall

Anonymous said...

Also they are all on record for wanting walls and fences before. They should really meet with some of the angel families. .but no balls. No real humans. They are 100% politicians, waving in the wind. Wherever it blows from.

Walls don't work
Mobs are not mobs
Spying isn't spying
calling for an end to civility is not newsworthy, even if said by two time presidential candidate Clinton in front of cheering audience perfectly capturing the historic moment where the robotic mask finally came off and what was underneath was even worse

Tells you everything you need to know about today's Democrat party.

Anonymous said...

Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada and Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels agree with the humanitarian part, saying something needs to be done.

“For the people that are coming from these Central American countries it is a humanitarian crisis,” Estrada said. “They are in situations where their lives are in jeopardy. There is no future for them.”

However, neither believes the wall will change the situation.

“The wall is a deterrent but it is not the complete answer. We all know that,” said Dannels.

“It is not the panacea, it is not the silver bullet,” said Estrada. “People will find a way.”

Instead, the sheriffs said Congress and the president need to work together on immigration and border security issues.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump revels in watching moments from his rallies on a television screen situated in the White House dining room, a new report claims.

The president’s affinity for television is well-documented, with multiple screens at his bedside reportedly playing major networks simultaneously throughout the night. But new reporting says Mr Trump's TV watching doesn't stop in the bedroom: he and his associates watch his nationwide rallies in a dining room attached to the Oval Office.

"Wait for it," Mr Trump reportedly says as he watches special moments from his recent rallies that are preloaded onto a TiVo device. "See what I did there?"

Anonymous said...

You're correct.the problem we face is that the facts are on our side but two things happen

1. Deflection with false arguments like "most come in and stay via international flights". TRUE.. but that's a deflection. The wall is for land what the TSA and their machines is at the airport. And to stop land migration and drugs coming -which is a lot and well documented, you need, according to the head and former head of ICE a wall or fence as proposed by trump

2. The left has been told republicans are immoral and bad. You don't reason with evil. It's ironic how much they don't listen. I was a Democrat 4 years ago, heck 2 years ago still. But now I wonder: what did Obama actually achieve? And why am I suddenly a Nazi for asking that? Why am I suddenly deplorable while I'm still the same ivy league guy that voted for the man not once but twice? his failings are so widely known from the rise of ISIS by leaving too quickly, to the horrible pivot to Asia that was a big nothingburger and in turn emboldened china and brought us the hypermilitarisation there. .the islands started under Obama! the terrible Iran deal that pissed the president/pm of Israel off so much he didn't even want to take phone calls from Obama anymore. .to Obama care and "you can keep your doctor" lie. .to the red line debacle that emboldened Russia and Syria and made it unwinnable for us unless we would escalate beyond Vietnam levels...what did he accomplish for real and why the Nobel peeve price for him while he increased wars and drone wars and worldwide warfare. .And then we're told by the same machine that sold us Obama, that Trump is Hitler, a Nazi, a Putin puppet etc..this reeks of Media and Democrat politicians conspiring to keep the Show going. ..

Don't believe me?
Zucker - head of CNN now openly considering to run for president on the Democrat ticket.let that sink in.

But don't stop there. Head of Bloomberg - Michael Bloomberg- the same thing. Considering running for president on the Democrat ticket - not even the first time but again

Until this unholy alliance of news and politics is broken we get endless wars and lies and fake awards while China rob us blind and also. .north Korea wasn't handled by Obama. He left it Trump. Literally. He told him that will be his biggest challenge.

Or remember how cop killings started to rise dramatically under Obama and the rhetoric at that time? Nice going ..but WE are the bigots they tell us. WE are the racists and sexists..especially that Weinstein guy ...And the Comedian that drugraped women over decades. Both republicans. Oh no wait. They're not. Weinstein was a personal friend of hillary Clinton and donor.

But don't forget
Mobs are not mobs
Spying isn't spying

CNN. Colluding against the US since Zucker started taking money from Turkey and China.

Check it out yourself :
And for more Chinese ads and anti rump articles (China doesn't want him reelected. .it would save then trillions in trade war, stock drops and tariffs)... CNN. .. investigate them

Anonymous said...

And as the costs rise, attention will shift to who’s to blame. On this the president has more to worry about than his opponents.

It was telling that Trump’s address made no real effort to justify the shutdown as a legitimate or effective tactic. The president refused to accept even partial responsibility for this state of affairs. He dwelt on the costs of illegal immigration, as he sees them, and said his wall is necessary to improve border security, but he didn’t try to argue that this was a good reason to disable the government. It’s easy to see why: There’s no such case to be made.

Anonymous said...

Fact Checkers? Gimme a break.
Journalism majors take no math, science or western philosopy(loaded with logic).
They aren't suited to arguing or proving much beyond the obvious.

Anonymous said...

People with tons of money often think of entering politics. If you exclude those associated with media, why is Hannity an advisor to Trump? Judge the paper or tv show and not the person who owns/runs it. In fact cable at NBC has Madow, the most watched personality, a left winger, gut the channel is owned by GE, as conservative an organization as you will find..seems comments here mostly try to badmouth Dems but offer nothing real about the wasted 9 minutes of Trump talk

Anonymous said...

4,000 Suspected Terrorists Stopped at the Mexico Border, Says White House. Actually, It’s More Like Six, Reports U.S. Customs

Anonymous said...

You can do better than that, come on try harder.

Anonymous said...

Too coherent and too few insults for Lapides

Anonymous said...

Must be his devoted acolyte who time to time attempts rationality here.