Today, I wrote to @realDonaldTrump recommending that we delay the State of the Union until after government re-opens, as the @SecretService, the lead federal agency for #SOTU security, faces its 26th day without funding.— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 16, 2019
The Hill: Pelosi: Trump 'very silent' on postponing State of Union
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday said she’s heard nothing from the White House in response to her request to postpone President Trump’s Jan. 29 State of the Union address while parts of the government remain shuttered.
Addressing reporters in the Capitol, Pelosi appeared surprised that the president — known for lashing out at critics in Congress, the media and beyond — has been so quiet since she asked for the postponement Wednesday morning.
“We haven’t heard. Very silent, more than 24 hours,” she said.
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WNU Editor: Many on the left are applauding Speaker Nancy Pelosi's move to not hold a US State of the Union this year .... No State of the Union? That would be wonderful! (Washington Post). And while the Secret Service and Homeland Security are saying that safety is not an issue as claimed by the Speaker .... NBC News, CNN .... we are now learning that the Speaker's office did not even bother to contact the Secret Service or Homeland Service for their input .... FOX News. More to the point .... the Speaker has made it very clear that she does not care what they have to say .... Pelosi Slams DHS Claim Of Being Prepped For SOTU: ‘I Don’t Care What They Said’ (Daily Caller). If there is no Speech of The Union, I understand that it will be the first time since 1790 that such a speech was not delivered. Is this smart politics .... hardly. I do not think this is going to reflect well on the Speaker or on the Congress. But as the Speaker has made it very clear .... she does not care. My prediction. This State of the Union speech will probably take place in the Senate .... White House mulls asking Mitch McConnell to invite Trump to Senate chamber as Nancy Pelosi says there should be no State of the Union speech during shutdown (Daily Mail).
Update: The White House has "responded". Her planned trip to go to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan has been postponed. She will need to fly commercial .... Trump strikes back at Pelosi (Politico).
Source: Trump, like Gorbachev, has lost faith in what his country stands forSource: Stephen King's take on the Trump shutdown is as blunt as you'd expect
Source: Jeff McCausland: Trump's reported desire to leave NATO is a belated Christmas present for Putin
Source: Report: Behind the scenes, Trump believes he's 'getting crushed'
Source: The latest front in Russian infiltration: America’s right-wing homeschooling movement – ThinkProgressSource: Visa Overstays Far Exceed Illegal Border Crossings in U.S.—and a Wall Won't Change That, Study Says
Source: Where the investigations related to President Trump stand - ABC News
Source: Impeach Trump Now - The Atlantic
I love the response; miss nancy can pay for her own ticket.
The state of the Union? It is closed down for business...Check back for Grand Opening
I guess Pelosi got her response. Trump done shutdown her piss junket to the EU and AFG
LOL! Get me my popcorn.
LOL!! Good stuff
Trumpsters! Trump numbers sinking a lot and so too, gop ...keep up the good work with the deal maker
Trust me, anon. We are doing just fine. You just keep masturbating to those polls.
House votes to reopen government for sixth time
Delivery of a State of the Union report is constitutionally mandated. However, historically it has been done via a written report to Congress. George Washington delivered it in person, but Jefferson began the tradition of submitting the report in writing with a clerk reading it. It was not until Woodrow Wilson that the President again delivered the report in person to Congress. That has been followed in most occasions since then.
So there will be a report given one way or another. It is just that Pelosi and Schumer want to avoid giving Trump a big forum to present his views.
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