Friday, February 15, 2019

U.S. General Votel Disagrees With President Trump On Syrian Troop Pullout

Commanding General of U.S. Special Operations Command Gen. Joseph Votel.

CNN: Top US general disagrees with Trump over Syria troop pullout

Muscat, Oman (CNN)The US commander who has been leading the war against ISIS told CNN Friday that he disagreed with Donald Trump's decision in December to pull troops out of Syria and warned that the terror group was far from defeated, in a stark difference of opinion with the President.

Joseph Votel, the top American general in the Middle East, also said that the US-backed forces on the ground in Syria were not ready to handle the threat of ISIS on their own.

"It would not have been my military advice at that particular time ... I would not have made that suggestion, frankly," Votel said of the troop withdrawal announcement. "(The caliphate) still has leaders, still has fighters, it still has facilitators, it still has resources, so our continued military pressure is necessary to continue to go after that network."

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More News On U.S. General Votel Disagreeing With President Trump On Syrian Troop Pullout

Trump's most senior Middle East general says ISIS is NOT defeated and he would have told the president to stay in Syria -- Daily Mail
General Joseph Votel breaks rank with Trump over Syria -- BBC
Top US General Disagrees on Troop Withdrawal From Syria -- Newsmax
Top US general: Trump wrong on Syria pullout, ISIS defeat -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

Im grateful the USA is a country where disagreements between civilian and military leaders can be aired in public. It happened frequently in the Obama years and so it is now.
However if the USA takes back 100% of the ISIS territory and arms over 30,000 Syrian Kurds, trains 10,000 of thousands of Iraqi's and Russia intervenes to save Assad yet ISIS prevails? Come on man, that is nonsensical. That says that part of the world fully supports ISIS and the only thing the USA can do is ban people from that area from the USA, enforce sanctions on those states and leave them to their fates.

Bob Huntley said...

It also says be careful what you sow etc.

Anonymous said...

Hansel, Gretel and Uncle Bob