Saturday, February 16, 2019

Will Iran And India Launch Military Strikes Against Terror Camps In Pakistan?

WNU Editor: I am skeptical that India or Pakistan are going to launch military strikes against targets like Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice) in Pakistan. But I am in the minority with this opinion. The rumour mill on social media (for what it is worth) is that both countries will be initiating military strikes against Pakistan in the coming days.


Anonymous said...

Plenty of time for the intended targets to prepare for such strikes.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan is a US ally on the War on Terror. Pakistan plays a 2-faced game.

Time for Trump to say we are pulling out because Pakistan is a bunch of chuds. Let Russia and China tenderly minister to the Pashtun terrorists to the last man, woman, and child. During and after these ministrations embargo Pakistan, no trade and no visas. Let them rot for creating and supporting the Taliban. Let them rot for supporting the Hakani Network. Let the chuds rot.

Anonymous said...

If Iran strikes, India surely will. But one will hesitate to go before the other. Iran will be more recalcitrant to strike if India strikes 1st, since India is not part of the ummah.