Saturday, March 9, 2019

Is Venezuela's Power Blackout Due To A Cyber Attack?

Kalev Leetaru, Forbes: Could Venezuela's Power Outage Really Be A Cyber Attack?

As Venezuela endured one of its worst blackouts in recent memory this week, the government repeatedly claimed the widespread outage of power, phone and internet was due to a foreign cyberattack attempting to unseat its president. While the reality is that Venezuela’s blackout was most likely due to chronic underfunding of its electrical infrastructure and deferred maintenance, the idea of a foreign nation state manipulating an adversary’s power grid to force a governmental transition is very real.

In 2015 I explored the concept of “cyber first strike” in which governments would increasingly turn to cyberwarfare either on its own or as part of hybrid warfare to weaken an adversary prior to conventional invasion or to forcibly and deniably effect a transition in a foreign government.

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WNU Editor: Venezuela's power grid has been on the fritz for a long time, and a complete collapse has also been predicted for a long time. This is also not the first time that it has happened .... Power outage plunges most of Venezuela into darkness (Reuters, December 2, 2013). But is this week's power blackout due to a cyber attack? The Venezuelan government has so far shown no evidence to prove this point.


Anonymous said...

So many tards out there running government, any government.

Any piece of electrical or mechanical equipment is going to have a predicted life.

If Bucky, the 2 bit socialist, does not have a ledge showing that he regularly bought replacement parts and performed preventive maintenance, it is much more likely that the system failed of malign neglect, socialist loving care, than anything else.

Search terms "reliability analysis by components"

We have not invented a perpetual motion machine and we do build systems out of components that last forever.

Damned socialists were so greedy that they took the maintenance budget a fled Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

Reliability of Hydro-turbines for Electricity Power Generation: A case Study of Jebba Hydropower Plant.

Anonymous said...

A cyber attack presupposes some cyber to attack. I’d bet Venezuela’s grid has never been modernized.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the bus driver can prove that it was sabotage, because Maduro invented the ball bearing that never wears out. So he knows!

Anonymous said...

I love the wisdom of a person whose only recourse and only ideal when they see a number, any number, is to as their accountant.


English major's does not like reliability. Zer should. Xer is a reliable Democrat vote whether they run Hitler , Ilhan Omar or anyone of the like for president. Xer is that stupid.