Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Mexican President Obrador Says Presidential Plane And Helicopter Sale Will Be Used To Help Fund Migration Plan

Mexico Presidential Plane (YouTube)

Reuters: Mexico says presidential plane sale to help fund migration plan

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Wednesday the sale of the former presidential jet and other aircraft from the last government would help fund efforts to curb migration under a deal struck last week with Washington.

The agreement reached on Friday averted escalating import tariffs of 5% on Mexican goods, which U.S. President Donald Trump had vowed to impose unless Mexico did more to contain migration via Central America to the United States.

In return, Mexico has agreed to toughen up its migration controls, including deploying its National Guard security force to its southern border with Guatemala.

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Update: Mexican President Plans to Sell His Plane, Gov't Helicopters to Help Fund New Migration Plan With US (Sputnik).

WNU Editor: I always enjoy saying that when I see government leaders and celebrities who believe in man-made global warming giving up on their private jets, that is when I know that they are serious in what they believe in. I can say the same about this issue. When I see political leaders give up their personal perks on an issue such as the current migration crisis, that is when I know that they are serious. My hope now is that the Mexican President does go forward with this sale, and he uses the proceeds from these sales as well as the resources of the Mexican state to stop this very real man-made migration crisis.


Anonymous said...

When is Mexico sending a check for the wall?

Bob Huntley said...


Mike Feldhake said...

With the new trade deal. It was never a literal check, and all the voters who voted for Trump understand these things. Also, is this story not proof that Mexico is having to make concessions?