Friday, September 13, 2019

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 13, 2019

Susannah Sirkin, Boston Globe: Assad and Russia’s bombing of hospitals isn’t an accident — it’s a strategy

Airstrikes rained down on al-Iman Specialized Hospital for Women and Children on Aug. 31 in the battered Aleppo province of Syria. Six consecutive attacks injured three people and forced the evacuation of newborn babies – still in their incubators.

This type of grim scene has played out again and again during the eight-year-long Syrian conflict, a conflict defined by Syrian and Russian government attacks on civilian targets like hospitals and schools.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 13, 2019

Israel's Power Paradox -- Eyal Tsir Cohen and Eliora Katz, National Interest

Why Trump shouldn't run the North Korea playbook on Iran -- Wesley Rahn, DW

As China Surges, Europe Is on the Menu -- Andrew Michta, The American Interest

Liu outlines China’s trade talks strategy -- Jimmy Yee, Asia Times

China Will Rein in Hong Kong Through Its Economy -- Robert Keatley, National Interest

Hong Kong property tycoons in Beijing’s crosshairs -- Frank Chen, Asia Times

Inside the city caught between a British past and a Chinese future -- ABC News Online

What does Ukraine-Russia Prisoner Swap Mean? -- Melinda Haring et al, Atlantic Council

What Are Boris Johnson’s Options? -- Richard M. Reinsch II, National Review

What Trump Needs From A National Security Advisor -- John Allen Gay, The Federalist

Analysis: Biden looks like a front-runner, until he doesn’t -- Julie Pace, AP


Anonymous said...

9/11 Commission Chiefs Say 'Terrorism Needs to Be Prevented at the Source,' While Ignoring Its Source

That describes liberals to a "t".

Bob Huntley said...

Interesting article.

There is an old saying, "Good is evil seen from the other side" written by Les Misérables author Victor Hugo.

If you want to find a way to end inbound terrorism I suggest that perhaps ending outbound terrorism might help, although, that certainly would be counter productive to the MIC folk's objectives.

Anonymous said...

Trump booed during military ceremony at Portland soccer game
We Lost the War in Afghanistan. Get Over It.
Trump Gives Greenlight to Poison Nation’s Water Supply
Melania's 'Einstein Visa' Was Based on Her Having a College Degree — Which She Lied About Having
GOP Rep. Briscoe Cain to Be Reported to FBI after Telling Beto O'Rourke 'My AR is Ready for You'
Americans increasingly see climate change as a crisis, poll shows

Anonymous said...

Epstein and Democrats?

Anonymous said...

With Salvini Gone, New M5S-Democrat Govt Invites Migrants to Land in Italy

Liberals hand out welfare and they will come.

Liberals catch shit and say it is because global warming.

Liberals/Democrats shit for brains.

Anonymous said...

Islam has been slaving, terrorizing, and warring for 1, 400 years long before there was an England or a USA.

In technical parlance Bob has "shit for brains".

fred said...


Tarzen said...

Trump declares himself unimpeachable, based on 'perhaps the greatest economy' ever
Trump responds to one vaping crisis by attacking another
Appeals court rules parents of slain DNC staffer can sue Fox News | PBS NewsHour
Republicans clash with Trump-aligned operatives
Chairman Schiff Issues Subpoena for Whistleblower Complaint Being Unlawfully Withheld by Acting DNI from Intelligence Committees | Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Anonymous said...

A. Different don't get yet how it works
B. The capslocks, man
C. You are a smut website operator for years! Like no perception of who you are
D. You're almost always wrong. I use you as a beacon for political bets, I've almost got another Porsche thanks to you, just a few more months of betting against you. You just stay like you are, you hear me? You're a clasay, smart, beautiful being. Just perfect. Stayyyyyy like this. Kay talk to you again around 2020 :D

Anonymous said...

I would suggest parrot read the following book.

The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805

Alas the parrot's lexile score is low. If for some reason the parrot did read and comprehend some of the book, he would soon forget it and go back to his daily Democrat talking point memos. I have great faith that parrot could not read and comprehend the book "The Pirate Coast". You are that far gone.

Your typical infected liberal, when told of Muslim raids as far away as Ireland and Iceland, are like "So?".

The point of a craven wretch like Bob is that he is the poster boy for Mathew 7:5. I believe that he does so out of cowardice rather than stupidity.

fred said...

ah, Jefferson...his he running for office in our next election?
dummy gives link to book about way back when stuff and then spends the rest of his time insulting, denigrating, making childish remarks...grow up, moron
and a reviewer nlotes this: But he improbably triumphed, recruiting a band of European mercenaries in Alexandria, along with some Arab cavalry and Bedouin fighters, and leading them on a march across the Libyan Desert.
WILL TRUMP RECRUIT ARABS TO ASSIST US? AS DID Easton in this book about times long gone?

Bob Huntley said...


"Islam has been slaving, terrorizing, and warring for 1,400 years long before there was an England or a USA."

And the USA with all it modern killing stuff, not recognizing lessons of the past, is working very hard to catch up with the Ismamites.

You might want to re-check your information regarding England.

Anonymous said...

DemocRATS Proposes Final Solution For Homeless Problem – Bus Homeless People Out Of The City

Demonrats always propose forward thinking and out of the box solutions for problems.
I remember 30 years ago, when other worthless fuckers on the Seattle City Council tried to wipe out an ethnic community. Democrats cannot change their spots. They are evil.

Anonymous said...

European Carmakers Face Perfect Storm

What amazes me is how brilliant liberals are. Scintillating!

The adopted (purloined?) the notion of intersection from 10th grade geometry. Super advanced stuff. They call it intersectionality.

Maybe some day in the near future say in a few years (3 to 5?) after the ocean swallows up Miami according to brain trust of the DNC, AOC, the retards ( I mean super smart Einsteins), learn adopt the concept of constraints.

Maybe after they learn what a constraint is, they might in a 100 years learn that you can put so many constraints on a problem that it is intractable and there is no solution.

Okay, so I am pulling ya all's leg. It will take much, much longer than a 100 years.

fred said...

with due respect, good you do not have your own site. You are not very good at doing much. If bussing homeless is not good, then what then is the solution to our homelsss population...the many homeless vets? and should not there be programs at THE FEDERAL LEVEL? many are homeless bedcause of cutbacks that provided health, treatment, etc for those who, lacking help, became homeless. All it takes is major medical bills for many to lose financial support. To point to one city is plain dumb.
Trump administration officials confirmed Tuesday they are on the ground in California looking at ways to intervene in the state’s mounting homelessness issue, which President Donald Trump has criticized as “disgusting” and a “disgrace to our country.”

But many elected officials and homelessness experts in the Golden State said any White House assistance would be disingenuous given federal housing cuts have helped exacerbate the problem. Some also accused Trump of using the homelessness issue to win over conservative supporters ahead of the 2020 election.

“We need federal support and resources to build more housing for people living on the streets," San Francisco Mayor London Breed said in a statement. “But simply cracking down on homelessness without providing the housing people need is not a real solution.”

Anonymous said...

Liberals have this political theory that they have been quite successful after adopting.

You do not need brains.

You do not need talent.

You just need chutzpah.

In fact the less you know the easier it seems to accomplish anything.

Their motto:

Drool to Rule!

Anonymous said...

"many are homeless bedcause of cutbacks that provided health, treatment, etc for those who, lacking help, became homeless."

That is as much as a canard as saying people cannot go to college, because they cannot afford it.

It is a liberal myth.


Maybe you ought to argue with the LA Country Register or the rag, the LA Times?

The homeless crisis got much, much worse under the gentle ministrations of that scoundrel Obama, the all caring and bad results.

I would ask you to read the articles, but it is a waster of time. You have no facility to read charts. Math is hard for you.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I see where an idiot such as yourself is hot, bothered and confused.

England has antecedents like the Kingdom of Wessex, but those antecedents are not England.

I suggest you stand up and take the pressure off your brain Bob.

Anonymous said...

In Illinois, dead people not only can vote, they get free medical care

Give new meaning to the phrase "The Grateful Dead"

Anonymous said...

Be a good Democrat. Adopt a rapist today

Support Sanctuary Cities.

Spate of illegal alien rapes in sanctuary Montgomery County, Maryland draws large local protest

Anonymous said...

"And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust"

Saturday Schadenfreude: Julian Castro's debate act costs him a third of his voters


Anonymous said...

Dopey Democrat Says “Miami Will Not Exist” in Few Years if We Don’t Obliterate Economy with Her Green New Deal

"What is not realistic is Miami not existing in a few years. That’s not realistic. So we need to be realistic about the problem." - Occasional Cortex

A few is more than a couple, but not as many as several.

Couple means 2; few means 3, and several means "four or more."

Seven years definitely means several years and is more than a few years.

So the Great Prognosticator and Humanitarian and All-Around-Good-Democrat Occasional Cortex (AOC) predicts Miami will be gone.

So, if you are an honest Democrat (Ø), you should be short selling Miami REITS, now.

Anonymous said...

Seattle City Council Proposes Deporting Citizens

New York to Los Angeles for $209

There are tickets as cheap as $163 to $168.

The Seattle fascists should go forward with this purge.

For starters we can't stop them. Sure we will eventually win, but in the meantime let the NAZIs self-document their crimes against humanity.

When it fails and this ethnic cleansing will fail, we'll have yet another "We told you so!".

Let's get real If either party cannot afford $163, they cannot afford or will not put up with the deportee.

Trump will help solve this problem, while Democrats continue to drool hoping to rule.

fred said...

Surprise! I do not live in the Netherlands
Surprise: some churches and some gop folks also do not believe in accepting gays/
The Trump administration provided safe haven for anti-LGBT groups and individuals throughout the year, with a particular onslaught on transgender people in 2018. Anti-LGBT evangelical groups continue to enjoy unprecedented access to the White House and are intimately involved in forging public policy.

Fred, parrot, squirrel said...

A Hand-Drawn Swastika Was Found Inside Homeland Security Headquarters
Ahead of statehood hearing, DC displays US flags with 51 stars | WTOP
The US Has “Disappeared” More Than 42,000 Migrants. Where’s the Outrage?

I invite you to visit my site to see what it is really like

Anonymous said...

The parrot is not the smart and is certainly a partisan.

Migrants disappeared?

That is loaded language, but Mr Fred Lapides certainly does not mind parroting it.

Disappeared means the government murdered them. The US did not murder them.

If you want to get real Fred, you would sell your 2,000 or 3,000 foot crap shack and downscale to a 800 foot one bedroom house and send the rest of your money to some charity, but you don't do that? Why? Because you are a Freaking Hypocrite.

How many many people are we willing to take-in Fred? 100 million? 200 million? 500 million? 1 billion?

You don't say.

What is the rate that we take them in? 5 million per year, 10 million/year? 20 million/ year?

I remember visiting Guatemala and seeing 12 year-olds with kids. I am suppose to feel sorry for them, when those people I saw probably already have great children already? Nothing better than seeing their children or grandchildren getting affirmative action ahead of yours, because mommy went boom boom every night.

Still every sane person would make a fair offer. We would trade any and every US libtard for a Latino from south of the border sight unseen for a trade. The US would make out like bandits. Liberals are that stupid and that much of a burden and drag on America.

I've been to your website. I have not been to it in 6 months or so. There is nothing there except dilettante postings and pictures of nude women (Hustler Style). I do mean dilettante. You earned your nickname of parrot honestly. Just today you blamed the homelessness problem in California on Trump, because you are too stupid to read a graph or do research.

Anonymous said...

"The Department of Homeland Security's Office of the Inspector General has launched an investigation after a hand-drawn swastika was found inside the agency's Washington headquarters on Friday, the agency confirmed."


We do not know what it means if anything.

It could have been drawn by a visitor, maintenance, janitorial staff, or a visiting congressional aide.

Do people have a right to be upset? Yes.

Do they have a right to want to investigate it? Yes

Do they have a right to leap to conclusions or make accusations? No.

It could have been drawn by a liberal congressional aid as a false flag. If this is the case you will be off to the races onto the next outrage hollering at anyone bringing up the past.

In my work place I am dismayed to note that people scrawl graffiti of 424 and accuse others of being Democrat (liking little boys).

Anonymous said...

Trump Had Deal With Scotland Airport That Sent Flight Crews ... New York Slime

The Truth

Sorry Dems, The Air Force Deal To Refuel Near Trump's Scottish Resort Was Made Under Obama

I think Captain Nads needs to make hay over this during his impeachment hearings. That way the overweight Captain Nads can sink the Democrat boat.

Democrats, when you think they can sink no lower, they do.

fred said...

When George Washington left the presidency in 1797, he was looking forward to some relaxation—returning to Mount Vernon and the pastoral life that had been distant during his time as president. But Washington was a man of innovation, who rarely let an opportunity slip by—and when he hired a Scottish plantation manager in 1797, Washington added another line to his resume: whiskey seller.
Washington also kept slaves and raised hemp...
Donald Trump Blurts Out the Awful Truth About Nukes
Trump intel chief subpoenaed for blocked whistleblower complaint — Quartz
John Bolton left WH in fury at Donald Trump for suggesting easing sanctions on Iran | Daily Mail Online
Adam Schiff subpoenas whistleblower complaint that may involve Trump - Business Insider
yur calling those you dislike who are elected officials is not merely childish and Trumpian but show your genes and upbringing below par, a failure of your parents to have moral values and decent manners. in sum: you are a reflection of those who raised you, and that is not very healthy, decent, or civilized

Anonymous said...

"yur[sic] calling those you dislike who are elected officials"

I'll stand by calling Jerrold Nadler, Captain Nads.

"show your genes"

You know as much about genetics as you do about math and other fields of science. I call you functionally illiterate and I do not do so merely to be mean or flippantly. It is a statement of fact.

You hated John Bolton and now you are unhappy to see him leave. All you care about is an angle to try to get trump. I think your father was Wiley E. Coyote. It would explain a lot.

For some reason you think Mount Vernon sat fallow before 1997.

Anonymous said...

Washington did not make nor did he sell whiskey till after he was no longer president. And even if he had, he was an an outstanding leader who devoted his full time to his job, not like Moron-in-Chief, to packing people into his hotels and doing all things possible to enrich himself. I did not hate Bolton. I simply disliked his views on foreign policy. You like him? Your master finally did not.
And there you go with your bookkeeper crap again. I do know that genes and environment shape the person. That is sufficient to know that you missed out on good genes and also good envioronment becuse you are a spiteful, nasty and small individual

Anonymous said...

"Washington did not make nor did he sell whiskey till after he was no longer president. And even if he had, he was an an outstanding leader who devoted his full time to his job, not like Moron-in-Chief, to packing people into his hotels"

So parrot admits that he has no problem if Washington has sold Whiskey while president. But Trump is Trump and the dinner bell rang so parrot drool's like Pavlov's dog proving the point:


Anonymous said...

"Washington did not make nor did he sell whiskey till after he was no longer president. And even if he had, he was an an outstanding leader who devoted his full time to his job, not like Moron-in-Chief, to packing people into his hotels"

Some of those booking at Trump's Hotel are by conservative groups. They are doing it to support the president much as they eat a Chick-fil-A to support it.

Both Chick-fil-A and Trump have been boycotted by liberals. The conservative booking are a reaction to the fascists goose steppers of the Left.

I do like your shiny black goose stepping boots BTW.

If Trump wants hold a meeting with world leaders at one of his resorts that would be good. I want him comfortable in his surrounding so he can take Putin for everything he has.

You do not. You want Trump stressed out so Putin gets the upper hand.

DROOL TO RULE! - The Liberal Strategy