Monday, September 9, 2019

The U.S. Navy Is Banking On Information Warfare To Stop A Missile Attack

The USS Zumwalt (U.S. Navy)

FOX News/Warrior Maven: Navy revs up information warfare to stop enemy missiles, weapons

If enemy cruise missiles, helicopter gunfire and even fighter-jet launched bombs close in on Navy surface ships at sea, service commanders could employ a range of time-sensitive layered defenses to include interceptor missiles, deck-mounted guns, electronic warfare tactics and even lasers. Navy preparations for this kind of scenario include the use of radar, long-range sensors and coordinated surveillance with surface, undersea and air assets - all seemingly operated for rapid response-enabled destruction of incoming enemy fire.

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WNU Editor: I can only imagine the software and computer networks necessary to pull something like this off. I wish them luck.


Roger Smith said...

I wouldn't be comfortable relying on software. Especially with so many layers of defensive weaponry needing to be integrated seamlessly.

Anonymous said...

I hear you but our world is full of it. Your car without software. .mhhm...Not sure what you drive but I'm almost certain your life already depends on software ;P