Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Day 3: President Trump Impeachment Hearings Live

WNU Editor: Another day of impeachment hearings. I have watched the first hour, and all that I am seeing and hearing are people who clearly have a great deal of animosity towards President Trump, disagree with his policies and how he implements them, and their opinions starting with their clear frustration that he is the President. I have said this before and I will say it again. If you are in government and you disagree with the policies that the people have voted for, you should resign and/or be asked to be reassigned.

Update: Lt. Col. Vindman is not a good witness. His arrogance and personal belief in self-importance is showing. When Vindman told Democrat Party Counsel Goldman that he was responsible for creating “cohesive, coherent” Ukrainian policy he lost me. When I last checked. No one elected him to be President.


Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine specialist on the National Security Council. Vindman listened to the July 25 telephone conversation in the White House Situation Room and reported his concerns about the president’s mention of political investigations to the top NSC attorney, John Eisenberg. He said the attorney decided to move the record of the call onto a highly classified system that few could access. (heard the July 25 phone call)
Jennifer Williams, a foreign service aide detailed to Vice President Pence’s office who listened in on the July 25 call between Trump and Zelenskiy.(heard the July 25 phone call)

Bold mine.

The witnesses for the second panel:

Kurt Volker, the former special envoy to Ukraine, who along with Sondland and Energy Secretary Rick Perry was part of the “three amigos” tasked by the president to handle Ukraine policy. He was on the list of witnesses requested to appear by Republican members of the Intelligence Committee.
Tim Morrison, the former National Security Council aide who heard the July 25 call but in closed-door testimony told the committees conducting the impeachment inquiry that he didn’t view the president’s actions as illegal or inappropriate. Republicans say his testimony supports the president’s position that there was nothing improper about the July 25 call, and they included him on a list of witnesses they asked the Intelligence Committee chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to call.(heard the July 25 phone call)

Trump supporters whining about hearsay should be treated as just that, whining, given the number of witnesses who have heard the July 25 call between Trump and Zelensky directly.

If these same supporters question these witnesses’ testimony about the July 25 call, they could demand the actual word-for-word transcript which had been placed in the secured server in an exception to past practice.

Schiff’s opening statement can be found at this link.

Anonymous said...

And Fred is on the case with the 1st post screaming at every one by using all bold font

Anonymous said...

“My wife has my phone.”

“Your wife left me a VM. Am I supposed to respond? She thinks we’re having an affair. Should I call and correct her understanding? Leave this to you to address?”

“I don’t know. I said we were close friends and nothing more. She knows I sent you flowers. I said you were having a tough week.”

Anonymous said...

The Army is looking into the possibility of moving impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his family onto a military base to make sure they're safe, reports the Wall Street Journal. The Ukraine native, who's testifying Tuesday, has been the subject of much online vilification from supporters of President Trump, who has personally denounced Vindman as a "Never Trumper." (Vindman has described the president's July call with Ukraine's leader as troubling.) The Army assessed Vindman's security situation at his request and apparently hasn't made a final decision on whether the family should be moved. "The Army will make sure he's safe, and the Army is actively supporting any safety needs as deemed necessary," an official tells the newspaper.

"It's hard that he has been catapulted into the public eye," the official adds. "He served his country honorably for 20 years, and you can imagine this is a tough situation for him and his family." During Tuesday's testimony, Vindman called the attacks on witnesses' characters "reprehensible," and he also pointedly reminded GOP Rep. Devin Nunes of his military status. When Nunes addressed him as "Mr. Vindman," he replied, "Ranking member, it's Lt. Col. Vindman, please," reports CBS News.

Anonymous said...

" I have said this before and I will say it again. If you are in government and you disagree with the policies that the people have voted for, you should resign and/or be asked to be reassigned. "
Question: And what then if you discover that what is being done is illegal, against the Constitution? simply quit and let illegalities continue?

Anonymous said...

You never fail Lapides!

RussInSoCal said...

"Everyone must be very careful with Lt. Col Vindman". (And don't dare call him "Mr. Vindman)

Mr. Vindman just lied (is a lair) in saying that he does not know the ID of the so-called whistle blower. Which is absurd on its face.

Anonymous said...


RussInSoCal said...

The liar Vindman is supposed to be an "expert" on Ukraine, yet he has testified he "knows nothing" about Joe and Hunter Biden's interests in Ukraine. Then turns around and says he sees a conflict of interest in Biden's activities in Ukraine. He has testified he "knows nothing" about the identity of the leaker, then runs to his lawyer who combines with Schiff to state that, "this hearing is not for the outing of the whistleblower." If he knows nothing about the whistleblower, how cold he possibly be in danger of outing him?

This unassailable, so-called expert on Ukraine has admitted not knowing things he has testified his opinions on.

Fred, I don't rely on fake news for proof as you do. Cutting and pasting fake news blurbs that fit your template isn't proof at all. Its sophistry.

This Vindman is a round-faced liar and will end up in prison.

Anonymous said...

"PROVE WHAT YOU SAY" says the Parrot.

Can you imagine your essay being graded by the parrot, who has less reasoning power than a sea cucumber?

Anonymous said...

and on and on and on says the guy with nothing of substance to say...nothing but endless insults.

Anonymous said...

Vindman to his dad: "Dad, my sitting here today, talking to our elected officials is proof that you made the right decision 40 years ago to leave the Soviet Union and come here in search of a better life for our family. Don't worry, I will be fine for telling the truth"

Anonymous said...

1:36 - No substance and insults is your repertoire.

Anonymous said...

fake news: that which some believe but I do not. V. said he does not know about Bidens and Ukraine. You say he does: give us eviddence for what you sayLt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who will testify to the House Intelligence Committee this morning, will say that President Donald Trump’s call with President Volodymyr Zelensky was inappropriate and will decry attacks on witnesses appearing before the impeachment inquiry, according to a copy of his opening remarks which The Daily Beast obtained.

He did not name any specific people as responsible for the attacks. Trump has tweeted significant criticism of witnesses who have cooperated with the probe. Vindman also said that if Zelensky’s administration had followed Trump’s directions, it would have damaged U.S. national security.

Anonymous said...

Lt. Col. Vindman is testifying under oath. He can be jailed if he is lying. Are you who accuse him of lying willing to testify under oath that you know he is lying and will provide evidence to your assertions?

Anonymous said...

Lapides, you've never proven any of your assertions ever.

Anonymous said...

I have listed that which is going on and that which is said under oath. You simply piss out hate, snark, bullshit.
Ukraine Pol: I Was Joking When I Asked Vindman To Be Our Defense Minister

Vindman was pressed by Republicans about whether he was secretly loyal to Ukraine because of a job offer he’d received. But the offer itself was just a lighthearted joke.


Anonymous said...

Committing crimes does not guarantee prison

Hillary broke security laws with her private server with secret emails and she was never prosecuted. Some lame FBI coot said there was no intent.

Everyone else gets prosecuted for no intent if they leaver a safe open, but not Hillary.

Since Vindman is playing for team D, we will see, if he will be prosecuted, but no one is holding their breath.

Anonymous said...

President Donald Trump's order to withdraw troops from northern Syria, combined with Turkey's assault against Kurdish forces, allowed the Islamic State to strengthen its position there, the Pentagon's inspector general said in a new report released on Tuesday.

The withdrawal and incursion allowed ISIS to "reconstitute capabilities and resources within Syria and strengthen its ability to plan attacks abroad," the quarterly report from the lead inspector general on the U.S. military campaign against ISIS stated. The report cited information from the Defense Intelligence Agency.

RussInSoCal said...

Anon 2:22

You are right. Rule of law and prosecution of crimes is a one way street in Washington.

Anonymous said...


The excuse forgetful one was the Colin Powell did the same thing except that he didn't. Mr. Powell never set up a private server in his house.

Now Mr. Lapides name the names of the people in the Trump admin, who have private servers in their homes. Provide evidence not allegations.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — At least six of President Trump’s closest advisers occasionally used private email addresses to discuss White House matters, current and former officials said on Monday.

The disclosures came a day after news surfaced that Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and adviser, used a private email account to send or receive about 100 work-related emails during the administration’s first seven months. But Mr. Kushner was not alone. Stephen K. Bannon, the former chief White House strategist, and Reince Priebus, the former chief of staff, also occasionally used private email addresses. Other advisers, including Gary D. Cohn and Stephen Miller, sent or received at least a few emails on personal accounts, officials said.

Ivanka Trump, the president’s elder daughter, who is married to Mr. Kushner, used a private account when she acted as an unpaid adviser in the first months of the administration, Newsweek reported Monday. Administration officials acknowledged that she also occasionally did so when she formally became a White House adviser. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter with reporters.

Anonymous said...

Massive Hack Strikes Offshore Cayman National Bank and Trust

Anonymous said...

You need to look up the definition of assertion. I'm sure you still have that "special" dictionary that you used before.

Anonymous said...

This source is a stretch even for Lapides. But never count Lapides out.

Anonymous said...

"At least six of President Trump’s closest advisers occasionally used private email addresses to discuss White House matters"

And which of those emails was classified?

There were classified emails on Hillary's server.

Try again Lapides.

PS: Also

Anonymous said...

PS: Also, if they are working like Colin Powell all those emails are 1st routed through a State department server and catalogued.

Anonymous said...

Trump Fired Political Appointees. So Did Obama.


Anonymous said...

Obama fired all ambassadors appointed by George Bush on day one.

Trump did not. He fired a some, but not all. But the Masha cried real crocodile tears that she had been fired (actually a job transfer) after she started going Leroy.

Anonymous said...

Trump Fired Political Appointees. So Did Obama.

Marie Yovanovitch is not that unique.

Anonymous said...

Former President Barack Obama fired all ambassadors appointed by former President George W. Bush in 2008, The Washington Post previously reported. Yovanovitch testified Friday that the Trump administration, including the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, “kneecapped” her. She said State Department leaders did not support her after being recalled in May.

“Political ambassadors sometimes are permitted to stay on briefly during a new administration, but the sweeping nature of the directive suggests that Obama has little interest in retaining any of Bush’s ambassadorial appointees,” WaPo’s 2008 article about Obama’s decision to fire all political ambassadors reads.


Anonymous said...

anon-It is customary for new presidents from a different party to replace ambassadors when the new guy takes office. You seem unaware of this and believe this is a dark mark on the previous president. Learn some history.
A president picking someone with little or no foreign or diplomatic experience to be an ambassador is not unusual, though. In fact, it’s a largely accepted norm in the United States — although few other countries follow suit.

Over the past few decades, about 30 percent of all ambassadors have been “political” nominees, according to information from the American Foreign Service Association. The other 70 percent were career diplomats who worked their way up through the Foreign Service.

Although many political appointees may be chosen because of their suitability for the job, there is also a questionable but long-standing tradition of awarding ambassadorships to campaign donors or bundlers, too.

Anonymous said...

4:49 aka Fred

"It is customary for new presidents from a different party to replace ambassadors when the new guy takes office"

Most everyone at this blog knows this fact. That was not the point.

The point was that Masha acted so butt hurt that she was replaced, when she got an extra 3 years as ambassador.

Further she got replaced when she was actively sabotaging the president

Even further she was not fired. She was transferred a desk job

Still she act as though she was kicked out on the street.