Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 12, 2020

Malcolm S. McNeil, CNBC: Why the world economy will be facing China’s coronavirus for a long time

* The coronavirus, now officially designated as Covid-19, is not just a short-term hiccup, and no vaccine can solve longer-term corporate issues it has revealed.
* China invested decades in building cross-border relationships in a deliberate fashion.
* The world’s second-largest economy will not be off limits to future investment, but there will be wariness and caution and businesses seeking alternatives.

Everywhere we look we see the headlines and commentators talking about the coronavirus and its impact on tourism, trade and investment between China and the West — and China and the U.S., in particular. However, there are far-reaching effects that have not been contemplated fully beyond the intuitive assessment.

Things move slowly. China has long been known as a country with patience, which in business language translates to longer lead times in the transactional arena, sometimes exhaustive negotiations, and relationships are built over time. Many of these relationships are created in the environment of trade shows, conferences, information exchange platforms, and trade delegations. China has finely tuned this method of cross-border introductions and it is a continuous process.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 12, 2020

Coronavirus cases stabilize — but could go in any direction now -- Joseph Guzman, The Hill

Coronavirus: 'Way too early' to predict end of outbreak, WHO says -- BBC

China’s Communist Party faces its biggest crisis since SARS -- Joe McDonald, AP

Coronavirus: why China’s economy is likely to make a robust recovery -- Prof Zhang Jun, SCMP

Q&A: How virus is impacting Asia’s cruises and passengers -- Dww-Ann Durbin and David Koenig, AP

Virus puts Hong Kong protests on ice. Will they return? -- Eileen Ng, AP

Duterte delivers deathblow to US-Philippine ties -- Richard Javad Heydarian, Asia Times

Did you miss Trump’s biggest China win? -- Derek Scissors, AEI

The Most Immediate, Unexpected Threat of Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan
-- Bernard Avishai, The New Yorker

Hezbollah ‘biggest winner’ of Lebanese collapse -- Alison Tahmizian Meuse, Asia Times

Sudan Opens Door for ICC Prosecutions -- Human Rights Watch

America's Hidden Counterterrorism Operations in Africa -- Matthew Petti, National Interest

How the US's CIA and Germany's BND spied on world leaders -- Christopher Nehring, DW

Joe Biden's presidential campaign is plummeting. So who benefits from his spectacular fall? -- James Glenday, ABC News Online


Anonymous said...

Humboldt GOP

February 8 at 6:52 AM ·
We were vandalized again today, a substance was poured into the office and police believe he was trying to set the office on fire, thank you Eureka Police for the quick response and capture of the suspect. The suspect threw his bicycle at officers and to no ones surprise he had a Bernie Sanders sticker on his bike, we have great video.

Walk like a Democrat

Anonymous said...

Biden Confused AGAIN – Falsely Claims Obama Won Against Incumbent in 2008

Well Duh! He is a Democrat!

Anonymous said...

Justin Trudeau Is Up to His Old Tricks Again, as Canada Heads Down the Totalitarian Road

Once upon a time there was a free country called Canada.

Now called Chinada

Anonymous said...

Swalwell: Impeaching Trump Over Roger Stone Is Not ‘Off the Table’

Stone's crime? Congratulating wiki leaks.

In a just world Democrats would be incarcerated.

Bob Huntley said...

PJ Media (originally known as Pajamas Media) is an American online media company and operator of a conservative news, opinion and commentary collaborative blog that was founded in 2004. PJ Media was founded by Charles Johnson and Roger L. Simon. Johnson and Simon set out to “challenge the mainstream media with a network of citizen-journalists.” The network was primarily made up of conservatives and libertarians. PJ Media also had a TV channel that shutdown operations on May 11, 2016, after its billionaire majority investor Aubrey Chernick pulled out funds.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
Country: USA

Nevertheless I don't like Justin Trudeau nor did I like his father Pierre. Had there been a reasonable party leader in the last election Justin and much of his party would have been bounced. Canada is always better off with a minority/coalition government.

Anonymous said...

PJ Media was purposefully known as Pajamas Media. Some bold, intrepid journalist took a slur by a Leftist as a nom de guerre.

"You couldn't have a starker contrast between the multiple layers of checks and balances at 60 Minutes and a guy sitting in his living room in his pajamas."

60 Minutes could not keep all the details of their lie straight. Poor truth tellers.

Poor Bob, he is 3 cylinders short of a 4 cylinder engine. He can only counter a news story with a wiki entry about the details of the founding of a news company.

Is Bob going to dissemble like a bridge troll? Cast aspersions and not point out what stories should not be covered because they are embarrassing to a liberal like himself?

Is Ezra Levant being hauled into court by the fascists in the Chinadian government run by maximum leader PM blackface?