Wednesday, March 4, 2020

China's Submarine Lead In Asia Is Growing

Many Asian navies have plans to acquire new submarines in the next ten years, often expanding their overall fleet strength. Many of these designs are indigenous. But China's lead, relative to the rest, could grow. H I Sutton

Forbes: China's Submarine Lead In Asia Could Grow By 2030

Submarines are the hot asset among Asian countries right now, with ~239 in service with the region’s navies. Almost every navy is acquiring new types. If we look ahead 10 years the submarine landscape in the region will be very different. And by 2030 China could have more than twice as many as any other other Asian country.

The total number of submarines will likely drop to around 220. More on why later. But this headline drop in numbers hides the greater trend which is one of expansion and modernization of submarine forces.

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WNU Editor: There is an arms race in Asia that China is "winning". Submarines are part of that "race".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Chinese cannot afford it.

They made a HUGE mistake.

By 2030, all these arms they bought will be close to decomissioning and repair costs will bite another chunk of their program.

The reason why the US has "only" 10+ air craft carriers is because at a point it just gets too expensive to maintain all of this. Of the 700+bn the US spends every year a good chunk is just for maintenance.

Also, China MUST keep on increasing own salaries to be internationally competitive. They suffer from brain drain as much as any nation, we just haven't figured out how to stop the spying (that sends very valuable "brain juice" back)

Just need a few more competent people.