Thursday, March 5, 2020

If Bloomberg Couldn’t Buy 2020, How Could Russia Buy 2016?

The Federalist: Hemingway: If Bloomberg Couldn’t Buy 2020, How Could Russia Buy 2016?

Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway joined Fox News’ “Special Report” to discuss New York billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s historic level of campaign spending, and what it reveals about the power of media and establishment consensus.

Hemingway pointed out how Bloomberg’s failed campaign, despite unlimited resources, pokes holes in the popular narrative that Russia helped Donald Trump “steal” the 2016 election.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Money poorly spent .... Bloomberg and Steyer spent more than three quarters of a billion dollars on the 2020 race (CNN). This also makes a mockery to all those who pushed and bought the narrative that Russia influenced the 2016 Presidential election with its social media campaign.


RussInSoCal said...

/Well WNU, us Russian bots just have our fingers a little more accurately placed upon the pulse of America.

We learned the old art of deep mind control a long time ago. That's how we installed Trump with only about $160K in really bad Facebook ads.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...


With all due respect it is possible to buy Democrats for that little. They are a dime a dozen.

Except for a few high poobahs. They require multi-million dollars payouts from the Ukrainians, Saudis,. Qataris, Russians, Chinese, ...

You get the picture. The list is long.

jimbrown said...

Q1 2020 economic boost.

Mike Feldhake said...

LOL! Thanks, needed the good laugh 😆

Mike Feldhake said...

This is the stupidity of most of our civilization, they can only see what they know and make snap decisions. Careful thought is gone so this story is just a reflection of how most people 🤔

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:12.

Go back to cutting and pasting pictures.

Anonymous said...

What the Russians did is documented by our intel and the indictments by our FBI
Bloomberg simply worked in the open, running ads...If you can not tell the difference between those two methods then you really are dumb

Anonymous said...

The differences between the report and Mr. Barr’s description of it “cause the court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller report to the contrary,” wrote Judge Walton, an appointee of President George W. Bush.

Mr. Barr’s public rollout of the Mueller report has been widely criticized. Still, it was striking to see a Republican-appointed federal judge scathingly dissect Mr. Barr’s conduct in a formal judicial ruling and declare that the sitting attorney general had so deceived the American people that he could not trust assertions made by a Justice Department under Mr. Barr’s control.

Anonymous said...

When fishing a fish will sometimes strike so hard that you do not hook them in the mouth behind the lips.

The swallow the lure and and are hooked in the stomach. There is no hope of releasing the fish back into the water. It will not live.

Above we have a very gullible person who makes gullibility an Xtreme sport. There is no hope for such a person. They will be gullible and easily led for life.

Anonymous said...

Thomas Frieden, CDC Director from 2009 to 2017: “The CDC got this right with H1N1 and Zika, and produced huge quantities of test kits that went around the country. I don’t know what went wrong this time.”

This is a very, very big question, one I suspect we’ll be discussing long after the crisis is passed. South Korea has tested roughly 140,000 people. The US has tested about 1500. South Korea is obviously physically closer to China and I would assume has denser transportation links. But it’s not necessarily clear that it got to South Korea earlier than it did to the US or as much earlier as many are thinking. It now seems clear that COVID-19 has been spreading in the United States for at least six weeks. What’s less clear is whether that spread first took hold in Washington state and more recently fanned out into the multiple states now reporting cases or whether it’s been spreading independently from multiple seeding points the whole time.

Not having adequate tests has made it very difficult to know the current spread of infection and thus know the proper level of mitigation actions to take. But again, why did this happen?

This is significantly an unknown. But one aspect of what happened seems broadly clear from public health experts and epidemiologists.

The test that had problems was under the authority of the CDC. This is a new disease and test development can have problems. It’s not really shocking or necessarily a sign of incompetence that one test and test-creation process had problems. The bigger issue was somewhere else. The United States has a great deal of test development and manufacturing capacity outside of the CDC. There are big state labs, academic research institutions and private sector capacity. But those organizations were barred from rolling out their own tests without approval from the FDA. And that wasn’t forthcoming until a few days ago. That is even though in recent weeks lots of labs and public health authorities were pressing the FDA to give the go-ahead.

The FDA and the CDC are both parts of the Department of Health and Human Services, with significantly overlapping mandates. This appears to have been the biggest issue and the biggest as yet unexplained problem. It appears to have been significantly a management and leadership issue.

Anonymous said...

Poor bird does not know how ling it takes to cross the ocean on a commercial merchant ship.

Anonymous said...

Parrot did not read about the the reagent.

Recently, the DIMs have been pulling back on the criticism, because they do not want to get burned. Apparently parrot did not get the memo.

If the DIMS dial it back up or someone else does, we will get the results of why the reagent was inconsistent. IF it gets traced back to China, what will you do?

The Resistance/Rebel press and Trump will fight the DIMS all the way. But keep it up Dodo bird and get you ass handed to you in debate.