Thursday, May 28, 2020

Experts Say North Korea Has Put Its Nuclear Weapons On A High Alert Operation

FILE PHOTO: North Korea test fires a new weapon, in this undated photo released on August 11, 2019 by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA). KCNA via REUTERS/File Photo

The Dong-A Ilbo: N. Korea’s nuclear weapons are immediately launchable, experts say

It was confirmed that North Korea had described plans to “put strategic armed forces on a high alert operation” unveiling the outcome of its fourth expanded meeting of the Workers’ Party’s 7th Central Military Commission in an English version. This clarifies the country’s intention to stress its preparedness to launch nuclear missiles, increasing the level of warning to the U.S.

The English version of the Rodong Sinmun reported on Sunday that a new principle of “putting the strategic armed forces on a high alert operation” had been suggested at the meeting. The expression‎, which literally means “a high level of turbulence” in Korean, is more articulate in English, signaling a clear message to the U.S. Some experts say that the expression‎ is similar to the concept of “LOW- Launch on Warning,” which is adopted by nuclear powers such as the US and Russia.

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WNU Editor: The problem is that no one really knows what is happening in North Korea.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps even Kim doesn't know what's going on in North Korea.

B.Poster said...

The "experts" just now figured out NK nuclear weapons are on high alert!! Seriously, while we don't "know" it's always prudent to assume the worst when it comes to a historical adversary.

Furthermore with the US reeling from the government response to COVID-19 the US is vulnerable right now. If I were an enemy of America I'd conclude now would be the time to attack. Now hopefully our mikitary and political leaders know this as well and have planned accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Poster, I think the economy and virus play second fiddle to warfighting. I don't see either one getting between a finger near a launch button and the button.

Jac said...

Alert is not action and North Korea need attention. This COVID-19 make Kim like not existent. What an insult!