Saturday, June 20, 2020

ABC Poll: Majority Of Americans Oppose Renaming Military Bases & Reparations

XVIII Airborne Corps Headquarters sign at Fort Bragg, N.C., US Army image.

Zero Hedge: Majority Of Americans Oppose Renaming Military Bases & Reparations: ABC/Ipsos Poll

The recent George Floyd protests and riots have triggered broader debates of everything ranging from removal of Confederate monuments and statues, to renaming Confederate military bases and even memorials to American founding fathers, especially ones that had connections to slavery.

In the latest controvery, for examples, New York City council members are pushing to remove a long-standing Thomas Jeffeson statue from city hall. As statues across the country continue to be subject to vandalism and in some cases toppling, there's yet to be little public debate or surveying of the American people.

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WNU Editor: The mob does not care what the majority thinks.


Anonymous said...

did the mob or the majority name them initially?

Anonymous said...

You sound nervous WNU. Scared?

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:28, if possible could you explain your post?


Anonymous said...

my cat read that and understands what is said and what it means

War News Updates Editor said...

After what I have gone through life. Nothing scares me.