Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Black Lives Matter Protesters Storm City-Hall In Seattle

FOX 13: Hundreds of protesters enter Seattle City Hall along with councilmember Sawant

SEATTLE — Hundreds of protesters entered Seattle City Hall Tuesday night along with Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant.

People marched from Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood where Sawant held an event at Cal Anderson Park.

The protesters made their way into city hall and speakers were demanding change. They were heard calling for the resignation of Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Others held signs saying “Tax Amazon.”

Read more ....

Update: Let us see how long this will last .... Seattle protesters declare 'cop free zone' after police leave precinct (FOX News).

WNU Editor: Seattle is one of the progressive/liberal cities in the U.S.. It is also the home of tech giants Microsoft and Amazon. The mayor is as progressive as you can get. Talk about "eating your own". I have also noticed from the videos that I have seen that almost all of the protesters are white. It is moments like this that I always remember a Ray Bradbury saying .... "the gargoyles have taken over the cathedral".


Anonymous said...

It seems this madness will continue until the "protesters" are treated very harshly. Most Americans want this to occur.

Anonymous said...

Want to point out that the speaker in the linked video with the microphone is fat. Not disgustingly fat, but they racking up negative points, which will only increase with age. She spends so much time concern trolling she can take her own business. She certainly has all her shit in one sock.

Anonymous said...

They should let lose a gang of police dogs in the building, and then it would be emptied quick.

Anonymous said...

"Norman Blann Rice (born May 4, 1943) is an American politician who served as the 49th mayor of Seattle, Washington, serving two terms from 1990 to 1997. Rice was Seattle's first, and to date only, elected African-American mayor ..."

Can you hear the concern trolling there. If a city is less than 10% African-American you are racists, if you don't elect a black mayor consecutively, every other time, or every 4th time?

All things being equal I would expect a black mayor every 10th time. That is if everything were fair and not racist like how liberals set it up.

If remember mayor Rice and the city council in 1990. It was always contentious. The schools were bad and racist. The police were bad and racists. Fast forward literally a generation and it is the same. Things are in an uproar but with seed money to BLM and other groups Soros and other fuckers have managed to keep an arson going.

Anonymous said...

"the gargoyles have taken over the cathedral".

I'm inclined to think "the nazis have...".

How did these people become so criminally self-rightous? And how can they be so ignorant? So lacking in empathy, the lack of which they decry in others?

Anonymous said...

50 years of liberal Seattle mayors, 35 years of liberal Washington governors. And here we are.

Anonymous said...

Councilmember Uses Key to Allow Protesters and Rioters Into Seattle City Hall

Councilmember Uses Key to Allow Protesters and Rioters Into Seattle City Hall

Kshama Sawant is that councilmember.

Kshama Sawant came to the US didn't like what she saw got a PhD and promptly started shitting on the country.

She doesn't no like the USA. She does not like her native country of India. So what is a girl going to do? She is going to shit on America Soros style.

Some time between 1995 and 2005 Sawant came to America. shew found it flawed. Instead of going back to her own flawed country, she did decided to say in America and go Von Munchausen on it.

Looks like the defect didn't breed. Instead she will take all the energy to raise her the kids she could have had and use it 100 fold to brainwash other people's kids.

Anonymous said...

I like the StarTrek next generation's so futuristic!

Anonymous said...

Indeed nice Star Trek uniform. She fills it out quite nicely. I wonder where the joey is?