Thursday, June 11, 2020

Falling Confederate Statue Crushes Activist After Frenzied Mob Toppled It. De-Fund Crowd Then Screams Out For Police To Come To Their Aid

Zero Hedge: Activist Crushed By Falling Confederate Statue After Frenzied Mob Toppled It

Both across the United States and Britain, Antifa and other far left groups are taking it upon themselves to deface and topple statues and memorials they don't like, seeking to "purge" the culture of anything they deem "offensive" — such as lately a spate of attacks on Christopher Columbus statues.

When on late Tuesday Columbus statues were destroyed in Richmond and Boston, we wondered if police are now resigned to just sit back and let the groups of mostly young white people trash the county's monuments, as it appeared to be the case in Richmond, where a crowd set fire to a Columbus monument, and dragged it some 200 yards before chunking it into a lake — all within plain sight of police and the media.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: After spending over two months at my chalet in the Laurentians, the GF's youngest daughter went home and attended an anti-racism demonstration at Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, this weekend. I was confident that there was going to be no trouble. I expected about two or three hundred harmless kids around the age of 20 showing up .... and according to her that is exactly what happened. But I did warn her that in these situations always be careful. She knows that I have had a few experiences of witnessing riots, and on how dangerous they can become. My biggest worry was her getting arrested. I drilled it into her head that if she has a criminal record, you can kiss-off working in the U.S. for the rest of her life. Fortunately. Her soul is innocent and she still listens to adults, so I know she got the message.

Update: Sent her the above tweet/video. As I told her. See .... everyone is having a good time, and then someone's life is now ruined. Her response was .... OMG!!!!

Indeed. OMG!!!!


Anonymous said...

In America we call this Karmic Justice.

copley7 said...

Karma, cops should have slowly walked over. Call EMS and direct traffic.