Monday, June 22, 2020

India Has Changed The Rules Of Engagement Against China In Response To Last Week's Border Fight

Indian paramilitary soldiers keep guard as Indian army convoy moves on the Srinagar- Ladakh highway at Gagangeer, north-east of Srinagar, India, Thursday, June 18, 2020.(AP)

Hindustan Times: ‘No restrictions on using firearms’: India gives soldiers freedom along LAC in extraordinary times

The commanders will no longer be bound by restrictions on the use of firearms and will have full authority to respond to “extraordinary situations” using all resources at their disposal, said one of the officers cited above.

A significant change in Rules of Engagement (ROE) by the Indian Army following the Galwan Valley skirmish that left 20 Indian soldiers dead gives “complete freedom of action” to commanders deployed along the contested Line of Actual Control (LAC) to “handle situations at the tactical level,” two senior officers said on Saturday on condition of anonymity.

The commanders will no longer be bound by restrictions on the use of firearms and will have full authority to respond to “extraordinary situations” using all resources at their disposal, said one of the officers cited above.

The amendment in ROE comes after Indian and Chinese soldiers engaged in their first deadly conflict in 45 years in Galwan Valley on June 15, resulting in death of 20 Indian army troops and several Chinese casualties.

Read more

Update: Indian Troops Given 'Fire At Will' Orders Against Chinese Troops If Threatened, Enraging Beijing (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: China has responded to India's change in its ROE .... China Warns India: "If Fired Upon, Our Troops Are Prepared For War" (Zero Hedge).


Mike Feldhake said...

So be it

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate but it is the only way I can see forward

If there would be a willingness in the Chinese population to admit anything they do, things would be different.

But try speaking to a Chinese - even those living in your country - about any of their crimes. You will be met with a blank stare and denial. Called a racist if you bring up anything.

Try it

- concentration camps? "What no we don't do that you crazy person"

- industrial and patent and data theft in the trillions: "you lie!"

- land grabs: "oh shut up you idiot that land always belonged to us"

- wuhan virus: "don't call it that. It comes from Italy or USA. viruses have always been around. Don't complain - just wear mask!"

Let me show you the exact opposite:

Germans. Did horrible despicable things but still to this day accept and acknowledge their fault and their historic responsibility to atone and do better

The Chinese are extremely powerful, wealthy and don't care to step on you.

We - by that i mean mankind (including our Chinese brothers and sisters) can only survive this without major war (talking world war) if all nations help each other militarily and economically so China stops this before it's too late. They will not stop if you don't stop them

On top, we must demand of our Chinese friends- the good among us-to speak out. I've tried. But none of them want or dare to. That's what troubles me the most

Among Nazi Germany there was huge dissent, at least when talking in private. Among today's China there is almost no dissent even if you talk privately to friends you know for years. Fierce and blind patriotism and very little knowledge of history and the importance to speak out.

"Just keep your head down and make money" - no matter how. Theft is fine. Tax avoidance is fine. Any form of shortcut or cheating is cool. They know the rules don't apply to them. .. if they get caught most just flee back home unless they've got family that has roots in your country. Nice get out of jail card if you're Chinese, you just go back home and no one can touch you. I'm exaggerating a bit of course but i know few nations that are like this. It is scaring me.

International law does not apply to China. That is the sad state of affairs. I do wish it wouldn't be that way but we are heading right for war if things don't change.

Equally we must ask our leaders to provide evidence for their claims. We trust them of course but we too have been lied to. In this critical phase we must demand proper leadership and vote out all that make deals with China or lie to us

Murphy said...


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Anonymous said...

Trump is increasingly preoccupied with defending his physical and mental health

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous June 22, 2020 at 6:31 PM

God, you're a fucking spaz. An idiot.

"If there would be a willingness in the Chinese population to admit anything they do, things would be different.

But try speaking to a Chinese - even those living in your country - about any of their crimes. You will be met with a blank stare and denial. Called a racist if you bring up anything.

Try it"

Are you one of those sorts that holds every Chinese person accountable for the actions of their nation? You sure do sound like an inflated idiot.

Of course you will be met with hostility and flatout being called crazy if you just go up to a Chinese person, anyone, and lay the burden of sin of their nation at their feet. What would you expect? Them to turn around and say, "Well, I'm sorry. I'm clearly responsible for the state's actions."

Next you're going to tell me that Covid19 is being spread through 5G towers.

I wouldn't put it past you.

Have some bloody common sense, and while you're at it, common decency, if you are capable of that, of which, I doubt.

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