Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Is The The U.S. Spiralling Out Of Control?

Zero Hedge: Most Voters Think The US Is Spiralling Out Of Control

It has been a turbulent year for the United States...

As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, 2020 kicked off with an Iranian ballistic missile attack on U.S. forces in Iraq in response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani.

That was swiftly followed by the coronavirus pandemic which has resulted in the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans while the number infected is approaching two million.

Over the past few days, people across the country took to the streets en masse to protest the killing of George Lloyd by police officers in Minneapolis while President Trump threatened to deploy the military to quell the unrest.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is not "spiralling out of control". I know what it is like when a country spirals out of control because I lived through it with the break-up of the Soviet Union. Now that was a situation that spiralled out of control, and the U.S. is not even close to that. But according to this poll most Americans do believe the U.S. is spiralling into chaos. I think what has made this year different from past years is the pandemic. Over one hundred thousand Americans dead. Tens of millions out of work. Expectations and hopes destroyed. Lock-downs enforced with severe penalties. And all happening within three months with no end in sight. Americans were not even remotely ready for this, and are reacting accordingly.


Anonymous said...

With leaders like Senator Kamala "I fucked Willie Brown to get my job" Harris, how can the US succeed?

Not content with the whole close to the throne entry to her resume. She decided to add hypocrite. She ha s or had police protection and she calls for their disbandment. She is a real winner.

Hundreds of former DOJ officials urge probe of Barr over move to clear out protesters

An LA councilor is the same way. has police protection while calling for police

Anonymous said...

As Latin gangs take over Chicago Hispanic neighborhoods in the absence of police and blacks complain about being excluded, conflict is breaking out on the Democrat plantation

Mayor Lori Light-in-the-Loafers is doing such a great job. Silver lining is that she gets 10 out 10 for style points for cork screwing airship Chicago into the ground. She walks the walk of liberal liturgy.

Anonymous said...

Like a car with no one behind the wheel. This president doesn’t know how to govern. In eight years Obama brought us to a point economically that Trump could claim all that is good is because of him. Bush made us feel safe and powerful under his watch after 911. Clinton was a steady hand and gave us a surplus. Bush 1 gave us a great victory under the umbrella of international law and was smart enough to stop when his mandate was meet. Keeping a balance of power in the Middle East. This president, chaos all around with no real plan.

Anonymous said...

Same old same old out of you guys! Lololololo!

Crusader said...

Constant social media addiction and 24/7 news only heighten panic and a sense of hopelessness.
Coupled with this is a deep fear to present an alternate argument on a whole range of issues because doing so will only result in (what I call) social media pack rape. Admittedly, a horrible term, but the best I can think of.
As I tell the kids in my work (I work in advertising, they are kids!), never trust just one source of info, all outlets have their own angles. I say to them, that they are empowered to make your own decision.
It's a battle though...

Anonymous said...

4 PM

So many adjectives not a lot of data or facts.

Obama did not keep the balance of power in the Middle East. He gave us ISIS. Obama did not really start bombing ISIS until Putin showed up and shopped him how.

Fucker Obama was going to let Kobane fall to ISIS until sagging poll number forced him to use a little more than 2% off the air forces potential. You got to realize how much of a BFD to use vulgar Benin lingo that is. That is 3 times the normal all out Obama effort.

Clinton did not give us a surplus the Gingrich led Congress did. That and Clinton defunding the military.

I still vividly remember driving home form work listening to the radio and thinking that the Democrat were going to oust Bush II before 911. Here is his reaching across the aisle to work with Ted Kennedy to draft "No child left behind" and they want to impeach him.

Fuck you. You spent 8 sentences trolling and relitigating stuff that was already litigated and that you lost. Fuck You asshole.

Anonymous said...

That's just the Chinese shill trying to be clever.

Anonymous said...

You are why crusader 4:12 wrote what he wrote

Anonymous said...

Wow what an angry little troll!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:03 is it I that you refer to, if so I am flattered?

Anonymous said...

Remember that DAR.

B.Poster said...

"Gross incompetence..." he did float the idea of the Insurrection Act. Now that we're seeing Seattle is on the verge of being taken over by ANTIFA it apoears he is/was ahead of his time on suggesting this. As Secretary of Defense Esper said recently we weren't in that situation "now" as in then, about a week ago. "Now" has got to be getting close!!

"Incessant lying..." a figment of the media imagination, Trump has at most an hour a day to address the people, usually much less. The media has 24 hours a day to spin and distort. As such, it's easy to tune him out, not so much with media. Examples: 1.) The notion that the park police forcefully removed peaceful protesters from Lafayette Park has been debunked by park police yet the media continues with this. Sure someone may have "changed the story" under extreme duress. While there have been noteworthy exception, the police have generally been VERY reluctant to intervene in the protests even to the point of allowing violence against innocents to continue unabated. It'd be a stretch to assume the park police would be any different. It's unlikely they'd obey such an order.

"A nation of law, not tyrants..." not really. Already we've had lawful business owners having their properties and livelihoods destroyed by looters/rioters with many of them being murdered. A historic church has even been fire bombed and there's much more. Additionally as a result of the COVID-19 response businesses were shut down without so much as a debate and religious freedoms were trampled on. This looks more like lawlessness. Certainly the current situation in a number of areas is not "a nation of laws," more like lawlessness. At least to sipport them is oppose a "nation laws" and to support a nation of lawless "men." The implementation of the Insurrection Act has to be getting close if we are to restore "a nation of kWs not men."

Anonymous said...


IO had an ancestor at Valley Forge. Go cry me a river and lie some more.

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