Thursday, June 11, 2020

U.S. Black Leaders Now Calling For The Removal Of George Washington And Thomas Jefferson Statues

Real Clear Politics: CNN's Angela Rye: Washington, Jefferson Statues "Need To Come Down"

CNN's Angela Rye called for statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to come down Thursday on the network.

"American history is not all glorious... George Washington was a slave owner. We need to call slave owners out for what they are. Whether we think they were protecting American freedom or not, he wasn't protecting my freedoms," the network contributor said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: They smell blood and will soon add more to their list of who they want gone.

Update: Activists in England already have their list .... Anti-racism activists draw up 'hit list' of 60 statues they want toppled in London, England (National Post).


Anonymous said...

silly post. we all know this will not happen. after all, do we rename the Washington Bridge in NY? ten American presidents owned slaves either in office or while not in the office.
the post just another silly example of a few silly people saying things that will not happen and this site raising this to a major issue

Anonymous said...

I want the stature of Crazy Horse to be torn down.

His people were aggressors. They stole that land. the Sioux were from Minnesota. They do not belong in the Dakotas.

'The name "sioux" is short for Nadowessioux, meaning "little snakes", which was a spiteful nickname given to them by the Ojibwe'

How could Crazy Horse be worth of admiration. He lived before the Golden Age of Wokeness and therefore did not have the right morals that we have practiced since the 1960s.

Tear Down Crazy Horse.

Don't be a Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Wait until they find out about FDRs treatment of Jesse Owens

Anonymous said...

The NAZIS occupying the 6 to 9 blocks in Seattle have said that they want materials to make chemical weapons.

Barr gave Inslee 96 hours to fix it.

Mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler Dealer, has said walls won't work. He is building a wooden wall around the City Hall.

Anonymous said...

One woman, a hire for CNN makes a silly remark and she suddenly is "a black leader"?
nah. only to the biased

Anonymous said...

Just keep believing that. Lololololo!

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 3:03
Do not underestimate the influence and reach of these people. They are young, committed, and determined. They are the future in the eyes of a lot of people.

Anonymous said...

"Angela Rye is an American attorney and the Principal and CEO of IMPACT Strategies, a political advocacy firm in Washington, DC. She is a liberal political commentator on CNN and an NPR political analyst."

All liberal political commentator/analysts, pundits and news readers/anchors (narrative enforcers) work for the Ministry of Truth.

I thought the article was about some local (minor) me too community activist. No, it was a national level talking head.

3:03 Troll thanks you for trolling, so I could look this up and see how wrong she and you.

Have a nice day! ;)

Anonymous said...

Angela Rye

Anonymous said...

Name all the other "top leaders" who have asked for 3

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 4:23

Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is working with the Biden campaign, but you just know that she would want to see that happen.

RussInSoCal said...

Why Stop there? Better tear down the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial and burn the Smithsonian while yer at it. All are illegitimate tributes to American racism and white supremacy.

Oh and of course the White House. //built by slaves don't you know...

Anonymous said...

Try again clerk.

Anonymous said...

I say tear down all the housing projects.
Frankly, there was a term in Germany in the late 30's and part of the 40's for such people; "useless mouths"

Anonymous said...

The Imperial China. Trilogy: Manchu, Mandarin, and Dynasty

The townspeople were happy that fewer <“useless mouths” would consume the fortress's foodstocks

I do believe that the Democrat PA, NJ, & NY governors sent COVID positive patients into nursing homes to murder useless mouths.

Haruka said...

This article is from August 18, 2017

Anonymous said...

CNN's Angela Rye: Washington, Jefferson Statues "Need To Come Down"

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date August 18, 2017

Which proves thew point. Once Democrats latch onto something, they do not let go.

The are doing what they say the wanted to do.

They have said they will topple statues to Washington. They will. After coming off that self-righteous high, they will need another fix.