Monday, June 22, 2020

U.S. Intelligence Believes China Planned The Attack On Indian Troops In The Galwan River Valley Last Week

US News and World Report: U.S. Intel: China Ordered Attack on Indian Troops in Galwan River Valley

The assessment from U.S. intelligence contradicts China’s timeline of the bloody skirmish in the contested border region last week.

A senior Chinese general authorized his forces to attack Indian troops in the Galwan River valley last week, resulting in a brutal skirmish that killed dozens and dramatically escalated tensions between the two Asian powerhouses, according to a U.S. intelligence assessment.

Gen. Zhao Zonqi, head of the Western Theater Command and among the few combat veterans still serving in the People's Liberation Army, approved the operation along the contested border region of northern India and southwestern China, a source familiar with the assessment says on the condition of anonymity. Zhao, who has overseen prior standoffs with India, has previously expressed concerns that China must not appear weak to avoid exploitation by the United States and its allies, including in New Delhi, the source says, and saw the faceoff last week as a way to "teach India a lesson."

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WNU Editor: Both sides have been pushing for a fight for a long time. Something obviously lit the fuse to have a fight last week.


Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting China lied? OMG I am in shock and disbelief. Lol

Anyone dealing with China and trusting anything - even in written form - is just asking for it.

My advice: Arm yourself to the teeth, and never give an inch. If you give an inch, you will lose a foot and will be insulted on top.

China only understands brute and overwhelming force and the Chinese population doesn't give a fck about getting rid of an inconvenient population. And no one speaks out in China. Why? Because their left is even worse than ours. Complete fascism and totalitarianism. Those that speak out lose their jobs and are beaten and worse. Reminds you of something? It's like the radical left in the US and other parts in the world spreading like a silent disease.

We will be at kinetic war with China. There is no way around it because they do not respect us nor accept our desire for freedom nor democracy or individualism. But more importantly they think they deserve it all, blinded by fierce patriotism indoctrinated at schools and through media for decades. Again, see the similarities?

There is a cultural and moral difference that is very noticeable if you've dealt with Chinese for some time: they are indifferent to your needs, and don't give a fck about the dignity of humans. A sadistic bunch frolicking in your humiliation.

If you're in their way and got something they want they will take it if they can. And if you let them they'll laugh at you and take something else on top.

Never give an inch.

Mike Feldhake said...

I think the ‘Walk Softly and Carry a BIG stick’ is appropriate and is going to come back and hit China in the face. India is not a small country and can hold their own against their neighbor. China has a lot to learn.

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