Thursday, June 11, 2020

Why The Media Black-Out On President Trump's Massive Vote Totals In Georgia's Primary This Past Tuesday?

American Thinker: Media try to hide Trump's success in Georgia's primary

More evidence of our garbage media: Try to find Trump's vote totals in Georgia's primary election. It's not easy. Most sites (The New York Times, local NBC media in Ga., etc.) are showing totals only for the Democrat primary. Here's (probably) why: according to Newsweek, running unopposed, Trump has 140K more votes than Biden (~770k to ~560k) and more votes than all Democrat candidates combined. This is in spite of the fact that, with a statewide U.S. Senate primary (to challenge GOP senator David Perdue), Democrats had more to turn out for.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Both President Trump and former Vice-President Biden are their party's nominees. No surprises there. So those who are voting is an indication on how energized each party's base is. The results are very telling. President Trump who was unopposed garnered more votes than all the Democrat candidates combined. This happened even though there is a Senate primary for the Democrats, coupled with overwhelming negative media coverage of President Trump. President Trump may be low in the polls, but his base clearly supports him. As for former Vice President Biden, it appears that he has a problem among his own core voters.

Update: The narrative now is that there was voter suppression .... Georgia Elections Show ‘The Voter Suppression Machinery Is Working As Designed’ (MSNBC).


Anonymous said...

the bias of the editor and this site makes this site ok for the right of center folks but much less trustworthy for those not true belivers

Anonymous said...

I heard Stacey Abrams complain. It was so sad. The humongous soft porn novelist complained bitterly about the crooked machinery. It do not see how the machinery could be that crooked against African Americans in a city that is majority African-American run by a Democrat mayor, who is African-American. 1:56 tell another lie please. This is for posterity and research.

Most of the problems were in Fulton county where Atlanta is.

Try again 1:56. If we could get you to the Kara Kum, we could get it to bloom.

Anonymous said...

"The delays led Georgia's secretary of state and state House speaker on Tuesday called for investigations into voting delays in Atlanta and across Georgia on the day of the state's primary. The announcement of the investigations came after a rocky start for the state's primary on Tuesday morning as voters, primarily in the populous Atlanta area, were met with long lines and delays." - CNN

Polls hours were extended way past closing time. We usually hear about this in St Louis where some Democrat judge orders polls to be held open every election year so Democrats can tally votes and figure out how much they need to gin up to swing the state Democrat for Governor, senator, or president.

It is a rite of passage to hear dome Democrat judge do this every 4 years.

Is voting heavier than normal>

Is it fewer polling places due to COVID?

Or is 1:56 just a bleating bastard?

Anonymous said...

Georgia Primary: Long Lines, Equipment Problems : NPR › 2020/06/09 › long-lines-voting-machine-i...

2 days ago - Voters across Georgia experienced long lines at the polls and widespread issues with a new $104 million voting system in the state's Tuesda

Who foisted new machines on us after the butterfly ballots & chads 2000.

If you do not buy new equipment Democrats come after you.

Get new equipment, people need help and it slows things down.

Looks like another Democrat caused problem.

B.Poster said...

When the facts don't line up with one's ideology, invent one's own reality!! Conducting one's life this way will ultimately lead to some atrocious decision making. This may work for a time if one is in a position of government, works in the news media, or is a tenured college professor. People in such positions can still keep their jobs for a time, sometimes a long time, even if they repeatedly get things wrong.

In contrast, the business world is driven by the need to make a profit. At least this is the case for small to mid-sized businesses who do not have ready access to as much government capital as they might want. In this situation, decisions have to be made based upon actual facts as opposed to what one wishes the facts are. Failure to do this will lead the business going out of business or losing market share to competitors.

Essentially the American Thinker article and the editor present the facts. President Trump had overwhelming more turnout among supporters than Joe Biden did and this happened in a situation where their vote wouldn't have made much difference anyway and all in the face of extremely negative media coverage leading to the very likely conclusion that Trump has more support from his "base" than Biden does and the media is suppressing this. Obviously in order to keep with the preferred ideology they'd need to suppress it and invent their own narrative which is voter suppression!!

Anonymous said...

Who were the candidates running in GOP against Trump? If but five voted for the GOP candidate TRUMP WON!

Anonymous said...

HOW many turned out for Trump and how many turned out for Biden is NOT really what primary statistics are about. The nomination election is not the presidential election between candidates from each party. In sum: this post makes no sense but to show its ideological bias.

copley7 said...

The problems took place in heavily democratic districts which are run by democrats. So the Democrats are auppressing their own voters.....

Anonymous said...

Troll 2:56 and 2:59 (i.e same person).

Primary turnout is directly proportional to general election turnout, which was stated in different words the article. Deny it all you want. After you are done with the Kara Kum you can start in the Kyzyl Kum.

War News Updates Editor said...

As I said after the 2016 election. The polls mislead the Democrats in believing that they had a lock on the Presidential election. They were lied to and used. The same thing is happening now. Polls are saying one thing, but when people go out to vote and real ballots are counted, like in a Congressional seat in California last month and this week's primary in Georgia, we learn that Trump is ahead of the game.

Anonymous said...

False, all the polls for the congressional seat in California showed the republican in the lead. Another misleading statement be the editor.