Saturday, July 25, 2020

President Trump Interview By Dave Portnoy


B.Poster said...

Rasmussen has Trump's approval rating at 49% and disapproval at 49%. Rasmussen is by far and away the best pollster in the business.

What this means is Trump has 49% of the vote locked up. As more is learned about Democrat/rioters they'll lose even more of the vote. The hope of democrats is to steal the election with the help of their Russian and Chinese allies.

Anonymous said...

Расмуссен как ты и оба полны дерьма, ты, блядь, русская шлюха

Anonymous said...

Why would China or Russia want Trump to lose?

He's doing all the work for them.

See the thing is B, Trump's base is maxed out. He isn't finding any more votes this time around.

Don't lose any sleep, come Nov. 4, things will go on much as they always have.

Anonymous said...

The worst years were the Clinton years.

Actually Clinton didn't have a plan other than to win the office for himself and his team and get as much money and pussy as he could.

1970s Oil Embargo / Oil shock

1980s Oil War against Russia / Poor Quality /

1990s Offshoring

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:45PM)

Why would China or Russia want Trump to lose? He's benn very tough on both of them. In fact, he's been their worst nightmare. Prior to the response to COVID-19 Russia and China were taking it on the proverbial chin. I credit Trump's leadership as the primary reason for this.

While Rasmussen like anyone is not perfect, it does have a sound track record. Currently Trump has 49% approval. I think it a reasonable assumption that those who approve will vote for him. So all he needs is to get a few people who don't to "hold their noses" and vote for him. As such, he doesn't need to find new voters.

The Democrat strategy to win in November appears to be as follows: 1.) continue trying to whip up irrational fear over COVID-19 blaming Trump for it, 2.)try and keep the economy shut down as much as possible continuing to wreck lives while trying to pin the blame on Trump, 3.) obvuously Biden's public appearances will need to be kept to a bare minimum, and 4.) massive electoral fraud. Bottom line: they offer nothing of value.

Actually I'd anticipate several major changes should the Democrats win on 11/4. 1.) the current anti-Israel position of the US government is likely to intensify. 2.) Both total case and total death counts from COVID-19 are being overstated. As such, expect both total cases and total deaths to drio dramatically. 3.) ANTIFA and BLM will have complete control over foreign and domestic policy without any opposition. We've already seen what their storm troopers can do with the rioting and looting. Should the Democrats win expect even worse. 4.) The tax cuts and regulatory reforms implemented by Trump that were instrumental in allowing us ti have the greatest economy we've ever had prior to the response to COVID-19 will be cimpletely undone.