Monday, July 20, 2020

US Congressman Proposes Legislation Forcing A Declaration Of War On China If They Invade Taiwan

Republican House Representative Ted Yoho / CNA file photo

Focus Taiwan: U.S. lawmaker to introduce bill to deter China attack on Taiwan

Washington, July 19 (CNA) Republican House Representative Ted Yoho said over the weekend that he plans to put forth a bill that would authorize the president of the United States to respond with military force if China decides to attack Taiwan.

"We are introducing a bill next week that's going to be called the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act," Yoho said in an interview on Fox Business Network last Friday.

The Republican congressman, who is a member of the U.S. House of Representative's subcommittee on Asian affairs, made the announcement in response to a question on whether the American government was doing enough to back Taiwan amid China's constant threats.

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WNU Editor: If this legislation is brought forward and passes the US Congress, which I give a very good chance of passing in the current environment, I can guarantee you this. Beijing is going to raise "holy hell" over it, and at a level that has not been seen from China in along time. And if it passes the US Senate (which I doubt), and signed by President Trump (which I doubt even more), the U.S. - China relationship will have entered a new level of hostility that has not been seen for decades.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. But. China needs to be severely punished. But this is not the way to do it.

China owes the world maybe 50 trillion in theft over decades, outright mass murder and more.

I rather have the money.

But they will not pay and any weakness on our side will be further exploited.

Instead I suggest the following

1. Revoke all China visas immediately
2. Incentivise French, Italians, Germans, Irish, British etc all European nations that founded the US and are culturally aligned to come to the US instead.
3. Along with point 2, revive the European/US partnership. We(I'm European) need the US and they can use our people too
4. Counter the silk road initiative
5. Go full on cold war with China, spy the shit out of them and steal from them like they stole from us
6. Partner with Asian nations like Vietnam.. they're very pro west and hate China
7. Remove the foreign sovereign status of the CCP so they can be sued
8. Seize all Chinese assets in Europe and the US that were bought with money stolen from us
9. Remove all society weakening aspects that currently wreak havoc in our societies.
10. China has a whole of society approach, we need the same
11. Hold any corporation, including media and tech accountable for collaborating with China. We need to frogmarch people that promoted Chinese talking points on CNN into prison. They're traitors.
11. Death penalty and very very long prison sentences for any Chinese soies. They kill ours. We will kill them.
12. Remove all Chinese Confuscius institutes and influence on our education systems

And that's me just thinking 2min about this. Don't get me started :D

Also. The west needs more free speech, not less. The cancel culture and silencing mobs should be sent to China. Fck them :)

Anonymous said...

1. Revoke all China visas immediately

The American universities would revolt ... are revolting

Academia would not work with the Feds after 9111 and will not work with them now.

Neither terrorism, corona, or unemployment will move academia 1 inch. Academia's bottom line comes before the American people.

copley7 said...
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copley7 said...

Do it,screw China. Push them over thee edge. If we are going to fight them now is the time before they become too powerful. Take out the dragon now, knock them 50 years back in time. Knock out all port facilities.

Sink any chinese ships transport at sea, unrestircted sub warfare. Sink anything they have afloat ASAP. Take out the power grid befor they get ours. And take out the regional governments, no one to enforce Xi's announcements.

Strike first, dont wait, China in a state of total shock at America would not know what to do.

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Anonymous said...


Point 13: legalise all drugs. This will choke the Mexican drug cartels, but more importantly unite the country Haha everyone wants legal drugs AND not only can you tax it, but also retain the money, ie no money leaves the US but is invested. Pharmaceutical companies can do the hard drugs like cocaine, LSD and weed and mushrooms for the small business, and tax bracket should be higher for the destructive drugs like cocaine. Less for the net positive drugs like psylocybin. Also. This will remove dealers dependency on fentanyl, hurting China a bit, as they're the#1 exporter of fentanyl which leads to thousands of deaths in the US. Thanks, China!

With legal drugs you'll also see much of the negative drug use consequences, like societal marginalisation, loss of income etc disappear.

Finally, many drugs are great for creativity. Just think what Northrup Gruman and Lockheed Martin engineers can come up with when they're hiiiiiigh

Finally. By legalising drugs a lot of military and cost guard personal and machinery can be freed up. You'll need them