Thursday, August 27, 2020

Are Poll Numbers Shifting To Favor President Trump

Raul Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth blog: Are The Tables Starting To Turn?

A Pew Research Center poll that’s already a month old (and a lot happened since) concluded that violent crime is a major issue according to 59% of voters (almost as much as coronavirus): 74% of Republicans and 46% of Democrats. But during the DNC, held after the poll was already out, the issue wasn’t addressed at all. Democrats talked about police violence, but not riot violence.

At this week’s RNC, this situation is -of course- very different. The DNC pushes the GOP into the role of the party of law and order, and they’re all too willing to take up that role. But I was wondering about something else, or “bigger”, this morning. That is, Joe Biden et al are very light on policies, because in their view their most important issue is to get people to vote *against* Donald Trump, rather than *for* Biden.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I think the polls have always favoured President Trump. As I have pointed out in past posts, many of the polls that show Joe Biden in the lead used sample sizes that were small, and when broken down by party affiliation, heavily tilted towards Democrats .... CNN Poll: In 15 Crucial Battleground States Biden Has A 1-Point Lead Over Trump At 49%-48% (August 17, 2020).

Update: White support for Black Lives Matters has cratered in Wisconsin ....

Update #2: Their concerns are too late .... ‘It’s playing into Trump’s hands’: Dems fear swing-state damage from Kenosha unrest (Politico).

Update #3: FiveThirtyEight says the riots and Democrat support for BLM are not impacting Joe Biden .... Could A Backlash Against Black Lives Matter Hurt Biden? The Two Don’t Appear Linked So Far.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Blake had a restraining order against him, but he broke it. So people called the cops. is suggest next time the call social services and have their burial insurance paid up.

Mr. Black had an outstanding warrant and refused to obey as lawful order form LEO's. He was know to carry weapons. he in fact in this case had a weapon. Cops tried voice commands and a taser. Mr. Blake ignored or shrugged off both.

Mr. Blake had problems with sexual assault.

I'm sorry, I should get with the program and say Saint Blake.

After all this shit I am now pro Planned Parenthood.

Anonymous said...

538 might be right. 2 more months or rioting might shift things across the board.

It is called damage over time. It doesn't look impressive at first, but the cumulative effect kills you.

The West coast ANTIFA are not taking order. They might be taking handouts, but not orders. They are true believers of a bunch of utter shit.

Amp1776 said...

Landslide repudiation in the works...

Anonymous said...

The Chinese will release Covid-20 any day now, and Democrat sponsored mobs will come for your livelihood if you dare call it China virus. Obey, second class citizen!

Anonymous said...

The party that just had a convention always gets a bump at the polls. The Vegas oddmakers are not favoring a Trump win... the odds are very poor right now.

Anonymous said...

"The party that just had a convention always gets a bump at the polls. "

Biden got no bump.

The polls are stacked. They have more Democrats in the, than there are registered Democrats.

The polls looked this way in 2016 and Trump won, which tell you that many pollster are incompetent, liars or people will not tell those apparachiks the truth.