Wednesday, August 26, 2020

CNN Host Says The Rioting Has Got To Stop Because It Is Hurting The Democrats

The Hill: CNN's Lemon warns of Democratic 'blind spot' on 'riots': 'It shows up in the polling'

CNN's Don Lemon said Tuesday night that Democrats "ignoring" riots in some U.S. cities represents a "blind spot" for the party, and called on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden to address the problem because it is "sticking" in polling and focus groups.

The perspective comes after deadly violence continued in Kenosha, Wis., with three shot and two dead amid rioting following the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Lemon called Kenosha a “Rorschach test for the entire country" during his handoff with 9 p.m. anchor Chris Cuomo.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This must have been a wake-up call for Don Lemon .... Jacob Blake's mother tells Don Lemon she has 'the utmost respect' for Trump (Washington Times). But his push for Democrats to disassociate from these rioters is too late. The Democrats own this. And even though Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden is now finally addressing this crisis .... Joe Biden delivers statement on Kenosha riots (The Hill), it contradicts the message that many within his own party are openly advocating. From de-funding the police, turning a blind eye to monuments being vandalized, providing material, financial, and political support to groups like BLM .... these Democrat policy positions are the reasons why President Trump is positioned to win a landslide in November (which I believe he will).

More News On CNN Host Don Lemon Saying The Rioting Has Got To Stop Because It Is Hurting The Democrats

CNN's Don Lemon says Kenosha violence hurts Democrats: 'The rioting has to stop' -- FOX News
CNN’s Don Lemon warns Dems about not addressing riots: ‘It’s not going to go away’ -- NYPost
‘The Rioting Has to Stop’: Don Lemon Condemns Violence in Kenosha Following Police Shooting of Jacob Blake -- Mediate
‘The rioting has to stop’: CNN’s Don Lemon condemns Kenosha violence… because it might hurt Biden -- RT


Unknown said...

Ditto. The Democrats have gone potty. Would you trust them to be in charge of a massive nuclear arsenal? Keep ducking 💥

RussInSoCal said...

And BAM goes another irony meter. The two most passive, hypocritical douchebags on TV suddenly weasel out of their holes to spurt and nod this bit of shitassery?

Their focus is on political polls rather then the suffering of thousands of business men and women who have lost everything. Not to mention the lives lost over these miscreants they have tried to make heroes out of.

The Biden moron mouthed a weak rebuke of the urban siege that they have ignored for months.

/But he had to, right? Their precious polls were tanking.



Crusader said...

Wow! Mr WNU’s called it. A month ago you weren’t so sure. Was it the riots, like was was talked about in the clip?

Anonymous said...

I hope some of these extremely peaceful rioters come and grab Don Lemon so he sees first hand how peaceful they are, especially when they see he's part of the problem. A core part of the system to keep them down while he gets MILLIONS of dividing the country and hurting people

Anonymous said...

I thought CNN was fake news that nobody watched and got terrible ratings.

Now it's so influential that it will cause Trump to win by a landslide?

I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

IMO this is an Obama tactic. Most of the tie they think they think they can spin any rioting regardless of who is in charge of the mayorship, governorship. president, chief of police on the 'man'' )white systemic racism). If any minority pops off right or wrongly, they will blame racism. If any white person pops off, it is eye candy for their optics.

I believe Obamna had a deliberate policy of not policing, because he knew someone would pop off and he would wait to exploit it as a demagogue. and of course his AG would move into.

Of the Wisconsin governor had done hos job after the 1st or 2nd night, the 17 year old would not have felt compelled to traveller 1 or 2 hours north to Kenosha.

Anonymous said...

Differenrt ways of looking at ratings.

1) You can compare them to their competition.

2) You can compare them to what they could be competition or no competition. That is a personal best metric. You could base this on demographics (e.g part membership)

3) You could compare it based on historical data. Year over Year (YoY)

4) You can look at your rating and ROI. Look at opportunity cost.

Just remember, CNN is a net operating loss for the Left. Think Solomon Islands.