Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Gun Battle On The Streets Of Kenosha (Video)

Daily Mail: Gun battle on the streets of Kenosha: Two dead and one wounded as dramatic videos capture clashes between 'self-styled militias guarding gas stations' and BLM protesters after looting

* Three people have been shot, two fatally, after protesters defied Kenosha's dawn-to-dusk curfew yesterday
* Footage shows a panicked attempt to rescue a man laying on the floor with a gunshot wound to his head
* Two others were hit in the chest and arm after a crowd gave pursued a man carrying a rifle down a street
* Police fear the shooting is linked to 'self-styled militias' taking on looters amid the Jacob Blake protests
* About 300 protesters defied Kenosha's dawn-to-dusk curfew on Tuesday as they gathered outside the county courthouse and clashed with police during a third night of protests over the shooting of Jacob Blake
* Demonstrators, some of whom wore helmets and protective gear, were seen hurling bottles at cops behind a black fence that was put in place earlier to protect the building from riots
* Several military-style armored patrol vehicles were seen maneuvering around the county courthouse, firing tear gas, rubber bullets, and flash-bang rounds at the crowd
* About three hours after declaring the protest an unlawful assembly, authorities managed to push Tuesday night's crowd out of the downtown park, with demonstrators scattering down streets.
* The disturbances came hours after Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers declared a state of emergency and vowed to deploy additional National Guard troops
* The family of Jacob Blake also publicly pleaded for calm earlier during a press conference outside the court
* Blake, 29, was left paralyzed after being struck from behind at point-blank range in a hail of bullets fired by cops on Sunday

Two people were killed and another was wounded as shots were fired late Tuesday in Kenosha during the third night of unrest in Wisconsin following the police shooting of black man Jacob Blake.

The shootings were reported at about 11.45pm after police drove away protesters from in front of a courthouse that has been the site of the main clashes between protesters and authorities.

Footage showed gunshots ringing out amid a scuffle in the street while bystanders screamed and fled in terror, with one person shot in the arm and another one hit in the chest.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I noticed in one of the videos that the protester/rioter who was wounded in the arm by this shooter appears to be holding a handgun. This is what happens when law enforcement fails, and these riots are permitted to continue. People start to take the law into their own hands.

More News On Last Night's Violence In The City Of Kenosha

3 shot, 2 killed in 3rd night of unrest over Blake shooting -- AP
Two dead as gunfire erupts at Wisconsin protests over shooting of Black man -- Reuters
Sheriff says two dead in clashes on third night of unrest following police shooting of Wisconsin Black man -- France 24
2 dead, 1 injured, in Wisconsin protests over shooting of Jacob Blake -- NBC
Jacob Blake protests: Kenosha police hunt for suspect with long gun after 2 killed, 1 wounded in unrest -- FOX News
At Least 2 Killed During 3rd Night Of Violence In Kenosha; Grisly Shootings Captured On Video -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

If only the Snapback had worked, none of this would be happening.

Anonymous said...

10:13 keep dreaming, it's what losers do best.

Anonymous said...

If only the guy hadn't been a multiple convicted felon (with sex charges and who battered women) then he'd be more convincing as a martyr.

Thanks news media for not covering THAT part.

Anonymous said...

Vigilantism will fix everything.

Go buy a gun start shooting. Problem solved.

Then we can bomb Iran.

RussInSoCal said...

/Recreational mayhem is such a blast.

Headshot guy looks to have been shot by someone near the building - far from the cameraman - with a "F-YOU!" war cry. Headshot guy was charging someone and that someone defended himself. Greenshirt goes over to check, calls someone on his phone then runs off. He's pursued down the street and falls down. Antifa goons surround him for the beating but he shoots 1 or 2. One in the arm - basically blowing off his right bicep.

2 dead so far.

RussInSoCal said...

correction: Greenshirt shot the first guy (Headshot guy)

Andrew Jackson said...

Wipe out the Feminists and replace them with Russian strippers!

Anonymous said...

Loser, keep dreaming.

Anonymous said...

He's trying to be funny.

Anonymous said...

What ended the LA riots back in the 90's wasn't the police, but all the random people who were shot and killed while out wandering the streets. Everyone is willing to take their chances clashing with police, but when there's random armed psychos running around getting in pitched firefights, it's time to get off the streets.

Anonymous said...

Different factions of the Democrat plantation wandering around and shooting each other.

Anonymous said...


RussInSoCal said...

2:12 PM

That appears to be the case.

Rifle guy was being chased by head-shot guy, head-shot guy threw a f'n molotov at rifle guy. Head shot guy was earlier antagonizing the armed guys, saying 'shoot me, nigga'. Rifle guy appears to have eventually had to do so. Then the pursuit is on, rifle guy is run down, knocked down, takes a skateboard to the head, shoots skateboard guy center mass (he's probably the 2nd dead guy), rifle guy turns to engage others who are bum-rushing him, shoots armed 'paramedic' guy, blowing his bicep apart. Turns and fires on a third guy who is on top of him, not sure he hit that guy but there's a spray of something flying back from the guy, could just be muzzle blast blowing all the sweat off the guy. Rifle guy finally gets up and walks a short distance to police, who had done nothing throughout.

overall it appears some commie-symp "libertarians" went armed to support BLM but try to curtail their destructions. Ended up in conflict with the BLM nuts. Attacked by them, shooting starts.

/A lovely f'n mess.

Anonymous said...

Check out CNBC's reporting of the shooting...

RussInSoCal said...

5:51 PM

Don Lemon is not interested in pussy.