Thursday, August 27, 2020

Is President Trump Saving America From A Race War That The Left Is Trying To Forment?

WNU Editor: From Glenn Reynolds .... TRUMP SAVES AMERICA FROM RACE WAR. Thinking about last night’s Republican Convention today at the gym, I realized that Trump isn’t just running for re-election: The story he’s telling at the RNC is also about saving America from the race war that the left is trying to foment. The left wants it to be black vs. white, immigrant vs. native, etc. Trump’s making clear that it’s about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race. This is a huge, underappreciated — and very traditionally American — message. By promoting it at this crucial time, Trump may very well be saving America.

Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden has a different point of view, blaming President Trump for the riots and destruction .... Biden: Trump Keeps Pouring 'Gasoline On The Fire' Of Violence (MSNBC).


Anonymous said...

Certified clown shit is your specialty.

Anonymous said...

Don Lemon (CNN) called white people the biggest threat to Americans. Still has his job. He's also friends with Jessie Smollett who notoriously tried to get a higher salary by pushing a hate crime.

Van Jones(D) said white people suffer from racism virus. And he makes money talking racism 24/7.

Maxine Waters (D) called for the formation of mobs and the harassment of Republicans. Many white men who happened to wear a red hat were beaten in the aftermath for her calls to intimidation and harassment

Hillary Clinton(D) called for an end to civility until "we are back in power"

And Pelosi (D) just this week called Republicans "enemy of the state" and has also noted that sometimes riots are legitimate

This after 3 years of calling Republicans
Racist, sexist, deplorables, brown shirts, fascists

After silencing many Republican podcasters,
Influences and writers

After Obama(D) weaponized the FBI to spy on his political enemy during and after the election. And this was after he previously weaponized the IRS to unfairly target Republicans.

The left is beyond unhinged. They are ok with suppression, intimidation, violence in the streets, anything goes.. until "we are back in power"

Anonymous said...

A who's who list of empty suits and in the case of that smollett...a bonafide wack job.

kidd said...

azz 4 me i like too hear shitt every day in this country,,,,,, butt gone fishing you fools please dont go there b happy

kidd said...

its all about getting a good night sleeep

kidd said...

follow the birds