Saturday, August 1, 2020

PEW Research: 78% Of Americans Blame China For The Pandemic

PEW Research: Americans Fault China for Its Role in the Spread of COVID-19

Unfavorable views of China reach new historic high, and a majority supports taking a tougher stand on human rights.

Americans’ views of China have continued to sour, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Today, 73% of U.S. adults say they have an unfavorable view of the country, up 26 percentage points since 2018. Since March alone, negative views of China have increased 7 points, and there is a widespread sense that China mishandled the initial outbreak and subsequent spread of COVID-19.

Around two-thirds of Americans (64%) say China has done a bad job dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. Around three-quarters (78%) place a great deal or fair amount of the blame for the global spread of the coronavirus on the Chinese government’s initial handling of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.

Read more ....

Update: Large majority of Americans blame China for global spread of COVID-19, survey finds (NYPost)

WNU Editor: The media hates it when President Trump calls the Covid-19 coronavirus the "China Virus" and/or blames China for the pandemic. But this PEW poll shows that the President is mirroring what a lot of Americans are thinking. As to what is my take. I am pissed with what has happened. I will never forgive China for making that decision in late January to close the epicentre of the epidemic (Hubei province) from the rest of China, but permitted overseas travel to continue thereby spreading the outbreak to the rest of the world. That decision alone has impacted you and I directly, has resulted in the death of 154,000 Americans (682,worldwide), and destroyed a good part of the global economy. 73% of U.S. adults say they have an unfavourable view of China. That number should really be 100%.

Update #2: This US Senator has a different point of view .... Feinstein: China Is ‘Growing Into a Respectable Nation’ (Washington Free Beacon).


Anonymous said...

No Senator Feinstein, China is now growing into a respectable nation. You say that because you are married to a Chinese National. Also, Wasn't your chauffer a Chinese spy? Question: Do you think it respectable that china harvests organs from living prisoners for medical transplant? Do you think it is respectable how the Chinese police torture Falun Gong members? How about how they heard Uighur Moslems into concentration camps/reeducation camps? How about how the Chinese are illegally building artificial military islands in the South China Sea? China is not a respectable nations--they are a world menace and dangerous to the future of the free world.

Anonymous said...

Feinstein only hears the clink of 30 pieces of silver going into her husbands bank account form his Chinese investments.

She knows she is damn well untouchable short of America going to war with China, since she is a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Feinstein, Husband Hold Strong China Connections

"For years, Feinstein and Blum have insisted that they maintained a solid “firewall” between her role as an influential foreign policy player and his career as a private investor overseas."

diane IS a $$$ WHORE

Anonymous said...

Blaming others.... sounds like loser talk. Something a sack of wet garbage would say when he knows he's gonna get his fat ass kicked on Nov. 3.

Meanwhile in China... "Today we see it as that the demand for steel and iron ore in China is very, very strong and order books are full,” Jacques said.

“We believe that China has enjoyed a very steep V-shaped recovery,” CEO Jean-Sébastien Jacques said on a call.

Anonymous said...

For you to call someone else a loser is interesting.

RussInSoCal said...

So the half-wit, stretch-face Pelosi was wrong to blurt, "Trump Virus"?

and 10:48 PM - just keep telling yourself that. you'll sleep better.



Anonymous said...

See you on Nov 4. Russ.

Now go cry yourself to sleep tonight on your feculent pillow.

Anonymous said...

10:48 PM,

Could you say a little about Feinstein's comments? I'm certain that you have an opinion about it and I enjoy different viewpoints.

Anonymous said...

WNU, I hope you are pissed for the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

Timing people. Timing.

Troll factory is in the wrong time zone and it shows. Also, when you disturb a small ecosystem, you make big ripples, which by the way is an ancient Chinese proverb.

Anonymous said...

Promises, promises, promises. You sure like those promises, don't you 11:17?

RussInSoCal said...


/why not just say beer farts like a real man?

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 11:26

I am going to be OK.
In fact. I am probably going to be far better off when this is all over than if we did not have this pandemic.
I am pissed-off because many are not as fortunate as I am, and they are going to suffer because of this. High debt levels. High unemployment levels. A lot of good jobs no longer available. Lost opportunities that will never come back. People are going to get hurt because of this disaster. Including you Anon 11:26

Anonymous said...

" That decision alone has impacted you and I directly, has resulted in the death of 154,000 Americans "

That is a 1 , 2 punch. The Central Committee certainly dd their part, but do not forget that Democrat governors who shoved corona patients into nursing homes.

Also do not forget Big Pharma and the yappers in the media, who are anti-hydroxychloroquine. The learned and erudite journalist are reflexively anti-n anything Trump is for. Many, if not moat conservatives an not reflexive anti anything liberals are for, They will simply state that liberals are like a broken clock that is right twice a day.

Anonymous said...

Or on CNN: 78% of the country are racist for blaming China on the Wuhan virus. And don't you dare call it that. It's Covid-19! Repeat after me. Covid-19. And mobs aren't mobs. They were mostly peaceful.


Anonymous said...

The mobs are mostly peaceful


Bill Cosby was mostly a gentleman.

Anonymous said...

Why Is the Right So Obsessed With Hydroxychloroquine?

Anonymous said...

and Trump took care of Corona virus! ha ha ha
that is why his numbers are so low and going lower and lower daily
reality bites

Anonymous said...

‘Hating Joe Biden doesn’t juice up their base’: Key swing state slips away from Trump -

Anonymous said...

Fox helps Trump hide terrible economic news

Anonymous said...

Why Is the Right So Obsessed With Hydroxychloroquine?

I do not know Frederick R. Lapides. Maybe it is because if a generic drug works and a patented drug works people would rather buy the generic drug and keep their finances in good shape?

Maybe it is is because I understand zinc's function in the body and how hydroxychloroquine works to transport zinc into the cell where it can be used to combat viruses. That is I have read about and understand that pathway.

I will note that you have never discussed the efficacy of zinc, what it does in the cell, or the pathway. All you do it post articles on Orange Man Bad.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden cannot say the word equal anymore. He tried citing the Declaration of Independence in March and again last week and he stumbled both times on the word equal.

The guy is not there anymore. Voters are going to balk at voting for a Joe, when they do not know, who the VP will be.

I heard that they were going to pick a 105 year old geezer with Alzheimers to be Joe's running mate, so that Joe would look good by comparison.