Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Africa Is Losing $89 Billion Per Year Through Tax Evasion And Theft

Reuters: Illegal money flows from Africa near $90 billion, U.N. study says

GENEVA (Reuters) - Africa is losing nearly $89 billion a year in illicit financial flows such as tax evasion and theft, amounting to more than it receives in development aid, a U.N. study showed on Monday.

The estimate, in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s (UNCTAD) 248-page report, is its most comprehensive to date for Africa. It shows an increasing trend over time and is higher than most previous estimates.

The report calls Africa a “net creditor to the world,” echoing economists’ observations that the aid-reliant continent is actually a net exporter of capital because of these trends.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:
Only $89 billion. For one year that is a small amount. But over 15 years we are talking big money .... Africa’s ‘lost $836bn through illegal transfers’.

More News On Africa Losing $89 Billion Per Year Through Tax Evasion And Theft

Africa could gain $89 billion annually by curbing illicit financial flows -- UN Trade and Development
Illicit capital robbing Africa and its people of their future: UN trade and development chief -- UN News
Illicit money flows from Africa near $89bn, UN study says -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

I'? sure the US loses a cool 500bn through Chinese theft and tax evasion every year. I know Chinese who see paying taxes as something only idiots do. They then send the money back home, making our enemy stronger.

Where's the UN study on that actually? They don't seem to care about the largest wealth transfer(polite speak for theft and economic war) this planet has ever seen

Oh and where's the UN study on the Wuhan virus, which will have killed millions and millions before this is over?

The UN is worthless and I recommend to abandon this body. They do more harm than good, have no accountability, no oversight and are working actively against the US and Europeans

Politicians should be careful in spending any more money on them.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, anon. Like the clinton foundation, you'll never see a receipt for Motel 6 or a Happy Meal from McDonalds in their tax forms.

Anonymous said...

have you any idea how much wealthy Americans conceal tax-free offshore?
Read up in Panama Papers before thinking we are good and all others not so

Anonymous said...

Hospitalized Brad Parscale 'is under investigation for stealing up to $40million from Trump's campaign and $10million from the RNC', as he spirals out of control over White House 'gravy train' ending and mounting debt from his lavish lifest

Brad Parscale is under investigation for 'stealing' between $25-$40 million from Trump's 2020 presidential campaign, well-placed sources told DailyMail.com
The 44-year-old is also being investigated for 'pocketing' another $10 million from the Republican National Committee, the insiders added
He was involuntarily committed to a hospital by Fort Lauderdale police on Sunday afternoon following a concerning episode at his $2.4M Florida home
DailyMail.com revealed on Monday his wife Candice was fleeing the home in just her bikini, telling a passerby: 'I think my husband just killed himself'
She told police Parscale had been 'stressed out for the past two weeks and has made suicidal comments throughout the week to shoot himself'
A Trump insider explained to DailyMail.com Parscale went into a tailspin after he was demoted in July and replaced by his former number two, Bill Stepien
Trump later ordered an audit of the spending of the RNC
Campaign records show Parscale was making $15,000 a month as Trump's electioneering guru
DailyMail.com previously reported he owns $300k in cars and $5M in condos