Tuesday, September 1, 2020

This Is What President Trump Will See When He Visits Kenosha Today (Photo-Gallery)

The devastation - which was centered in Kenosha's 'uptown' neighborhood - will serve as a backdrop for President Donald Trump when he visits the city on Tuesday to promote his law and order campaign crusade

Daily Mail: The pictures of devastation in riot-torn Kenosha that Trump hopes will make the perfect backdrop for law and order campaign message when he visits on Tuesday

* Kenosha, Wisconsin, has been roiled by unrest in the week since the police shooting of Jacob Blake
* Protests devolving into violence have left countless buildings charred, businesses looted and destroyed, and streets littered with debris
* The devastation will serve as a backdrop for President Donald Trump when he visits Kenosha on Tuesday
* Trump is expected to use the unsettling scenes to promote his law and order message
* Kenosha residents have expressed frustration at outside agitators taking over their city
* 'In the past week I've seen my city burnt to the ground by people who don't live here,' said Terry Nelson, whose bar was looted and trashed by rioters

Disturbing images show the wide swaths of Kenosha, Wisconsin, that have been ripped apart and burned to the ground during riots over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

The city of 100,000 on the shore of Lake Michigan has been roiled by unrest in the week since 29-year-old Blake, a black man, was left paralyzed from the waist down after he was shot multiple times in the back by police officers in front of his children on August 23.

Protests devolving into violence have left countless buildings charred, businesses looted and destroyed, and streets littered with debris as Kenosha emerged as the latest flashpoint in a summer of US demonstrations against police brutality and racism.

The devastation will serve as a backdrop for President Donald Trump when he visits Kenosha on Tuesday to promote the law and order campaign crusade he's been peddling in the three months since nationwide unrest erupted following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Peaceful protests?

1 comment:

Jac said...

Yes, it is a very peaceful protest! Look, not all the town was destroyed, isn't it nice?
I'm sure that most American are able to see the ugly part of the far left side. Unfortunately for the moderate left they will pay the price too because they are mute...at least.