Saturday, October 24, 2020

China Calls Russia's Talk of Possible Military Alliance 'Positive'

Chinese and Russian personnel participate in planning for a command and control exercise as part of the Caucasus-2020 drills in Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan province in September. China and Russia have participated in more joint exercises than ever before, uniting two of the United States' top global competitors. RUSSIAN MINISTRY OF DEFENSE 

China has reacted warmly to Russian President Vladimir Putin's suggestion that the two nations could one day upgrade their strategic partnership to an official military alliance, thus uniting two of the United States' top global competitors. 

"You can imagine everything," Putin responded when asked during his discussion Thursday at the Valdai Discussion Club whether a military alliance could be imagined between China and Russia. 

The Russian leader explained that the reason such a pact had not already been forged had nothing to do with reservations on either side, but a lack of necessity. 

WNU Editor: Beijing was responding to this .... Russian President Putin Says Russia-China Military Alliance 'Quite Possible' (October 22, 2020).


Anonymous said...

If Russia becomes a partner of China, we will be sworn enemies for decades to come. And I mean enemies.

B.Poster said...

Arguably the two most powerful countries on earth are considering formalizing a relationship a relationship that has de facto existed for some time. If this makes us "sworn enemies" our leadership might want to ask why this happened. I'm pretty sure the persistent and virtually non stop needless provocations of Russia by our leadership will have had something to do with it.

Based upon the current situation America's survival for "decades" is going to be problematic at best. Our country has a very powerful conflagration of foreign enemies arrayed against it as well as internal strife that threatens to rip the country apart. I hope and pray we are able to overcome it.

Anonymous said...

It's Russia's choice. Let them join forces with the evil Chinese and see what happens

B.Poster said...

"See what happens." China does seem to have racked up a large number enemies at least in terms of raw numbers. Unfortunately none of them seem very significant. We shall see. At this point we do not "know" what will happen.

Assuming COVID-19 is a bio weapon we are fighting both China and our government with the "lockdowns." Perhaps Chinese leaders studied Sun Tzu and anticipated our utterly stupid response. Even cult leader Fauci says this isn't a bio weapon. As you stated, we shall see.

Anonymous said...

China wont do anything without the backing of Russia's huge Nuclear arsenal at its disposal. China has the ships, the manpower and the equipment to wage a global war, but they lack a large nuclear arsenal. I think recent events have shown why, deploying nuclear bombers near India in a show of force.

There will become a turning point with Covid19, where the Chinese leadership will seize opportunity and strike, infact i think the Armenia war is a Chinese war by proxy. But there has to be a play for no nuclear arms, since China wants to protect its vital ports and infrastructure.

Think a day will come where America will have to decide if the nuclear option is viable and the consequences of such use of weapons will result in bring Russia into any conflict. Use non nuclear, ineffective mixed units with high pricetag equipment that can't be produced at the same rate as China, or resort to tactical nuclear strikes and deal with the wider consequences of global nuclear war.

Anonymous said...

@1100 fair points
We are in a situation in which China has on multiple occasions shown it cannot be trusted and waged war against us, killing countless millions already
Think of it
Just their theft in the trillions alone prior to the Wuhan virus must have killed millions. If trillions are missing from the gdp, hospitals close, medications cannot be afforded, people grow desperate, families break apart. Sounds familiar?
Then they attacked us with a bio WMD
Now they've changed their nuclear first strike policy from deterrence to offense.

I would not be surprised if we are at real war, kinetic war, with China soon and I mean this having been to China and knowing the Chinese mindset very well. They are ruthless. Don't believe me? Think of this: the 3 million prisoners in their concentration camps might be unwanted Muslims, BUT they're Chinese citizens! The countless millions they've killed through ethnic cleansing and forced sterilisation programs are also Chinese citizens. Their crimes? Not being the right kind of Chinese(they're not even Muslim). That's what they do to their own, for crying out loud. They have no pathos, nothing that is identifiable as any kind of mercy. They are killers this planet hasn't seen since Nazi Germany. And our media largely ignores this catastrophe we are sleep walking into. China, under Xi, is the single biggest threat to the survival of mankind. I'm not hyperbolic. I hope people wake up. It'll take an all-of-nations approach to push back and push back we must. And we must insist on reparations. The lives lost. The theft. The murder. Entire populations eradicated. Churches turn down. Mosques burned. Pastors and Imars imprisoned and beaten. Our media is treasonous and irresponsible. If you work at CNN, MSNBC,NY TIMES etc you should be ashamed. How can you look in the mirror and call yourself a decent person for failing us so badly, for failing the poor Chinese and muslims and other minorities so badly?
It's disgusting.
It's the biggest disaster already occurring and unfolding still. If China is not held responsible and made pay in blood and treasure, they WILL come for more and more.

I really think it's time for the world to reassess our relationship with China. We are far beyond the point of being just adversaries. That's not the correct term for a nation that has committed and to this day, yesterday and today, right now commits unspeakable crimes against humanity.

I hope the Chinese citizens wake up to what's happening in their name because they're responsible too. No one wants all out war, but it will happen if China doesn't make reparations, doesn't apologise and doesn't get rid of Xi. It is dead serious and the guys at the doomsday clock are asleep. Nuclear war can break out any day now, after all they've already attacked us with a weapon of mass destruction, wilfully and purposefully. Our children will be far far worse off because of Xi. People don't realise yet just how much we've lost. Estimates are around 16 trillion for the USA alone. Wars have broken out over far, far less.i hope the Chinese will realise that it'll mean the end if they're not holding Xi and every other CCP member who was in on this accountable. 188 countries have been affected by the Wuhan virus. And the biggest financial benefactor is China. It is the dirtiest way of making money, of our misery, and they're having parties over there. Throwing around money they made of our deaths.

I am not even sure war can be avoided DVD I've predicted 10/10 things correctly on this blog over the years. I hope I'm wrong. I hope they hold Xi accountable. But reparations must be made too. A sorry won't do it. It's far beyond that.

Andrew Jackson said...

All it means is they both fear us!

Anonymous said...

If Putin sides with China it'll be the end of Russia. Currently there's an opinion among the populations that we could work with Russia. But if they decide to align with China we would become instant enemies for decades. I hope they won't do it, but it's ultimately up to them if they want to partner with a group that makes Nazis look like a nice bunch