Friday, January 15, 2021

Will Mike Pence Run for The Presidency In 2024?


Rachel Bucchino, National Interest: Is Mike Pence for President in 2024 Still a Go? 

Pence’s actions since the Capitol assault have resurfaced speculations of his 2024 White House bid, as his management during the episode was largely different from Trump’s hesitant approach. 

But despite the president’s mismanagement of the attacks, experts say Pence still has a lot of political hurdles to overcome before positioning himself as a leading contender for the 2024 GOP presidential candidacy. 

After an uproarious attack on the U.S. Capitol last week, Vice President Mike Pence split from his commander-in-chief and quickly condemned the mob-like behavior from pro-Trump supporters—leadership that was tested as President Donald Trump initially hesitated to act. 

WNU Editor: A lot can happen from now to 2024. But he is not Trump, and if I have trouble seeing him put together the non-white coalition that President Trump was able to put together in 2020, others are seeing the same thing. 

Just a reminder .... President Trump's share of every demographic increased in the 2020 Presidential election with the exception of one .... white males .... and it is this bloc of voters that eventually cost him his re-election.

AS to who do I see is the leading contender in 2024. If it is not Trump, it will be Senator Tom Cotton


Anonymous said...

Mr. Pence is a good man however he lacks the voter attraction needed for election to office at the national level. Ted Cruz might have a shot at the 2024 nomination, as would David Nunes should he dicide to run. Unfortunatley Donald Trump will not be able to run for 2024, as the certain conviction for his impeachment in the Democrat controlled senate will make him ineligible.

Anonymous said...

No one will vote for that guy

Anonymous said...

I think Cotton needs a few more years under his belt though I would likely vote for him.