Friday, January 15, 2021

Pfizer Announces That It Will Temporarily Reduce Covid-19 Vaccine Deliveries To EU Countries And Canada


Six European Union health ministers signed a letter to the European Commission on Friday to express "severe concern" over delivery delays for the coronavirus vaccine developed by BioNTech and Pfizer.

Ministers from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden said in their letter that the situation was "unacceptable" and "decreases the credibility of the vaccination process". 

Germany's health ministry said Friday that deliveries of the coronavirus vaccine developed by BioNTech and Pfizer to EU nations will be delayed in the coming weeks because of works at the US pharma firm's plant in Belgium. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I live in Montreal, and this is horrible news .... COVID-19 live updates: Pfizer-BioNTech cuts back on vaccine deliveries to Canada due to production issues (Montreal Gazette). The reason for this reduction is due to revamping their manufacturing facilities.

This is also disturbing .... At least 23 die after receiving COVID-19 vaccine in Norway (Daily Sabah).


Anonymous said...

Here is what the nobel prize winner and inventor of the PCR test had to say about Fauci
PS Dr. Mullis died just before the pandemic started. But he did say ON RECORD not to use his test for the detection of viruses, and predicted it would lead to false positives when used in this manner. DOUBLE so when too high cycle thresholds are used. How the fck does the media not report on this, WHILE OUR ECONOMIES CRUMBLE AND FAUCI HAS CONFLICT OF INTEREST@patents
this must end. Fauci needs to resign

Jac said...

The problem is not Pfizer but the Belgium bureaucracy which impose a lot of documentation as if there is nothing urgent.