Thursday, January 28, 2021

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Calls Republican Members Of Congress 'The Enemy Within'


 * Pelosi blasted armed Republican members of Congress as 'the enemy within' 
 * 'We will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives,' she said Thursday 
 * Asked to clarify who she meant, Pelosi: 'It means that we have members of Congress who want to bring guns onto the floor' 
 * GOP Rep. Andy Harris is being investigated for trying to bring gun onto House floor and GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert also wants to carry a firearm 
 * Several members of Congress wrote to House leadership, asking permission to hire armed guards and upgrade security measures in their districts 
 * They fear threats against them which continue after Jan. 6th MAGA riot 
 * 'Members of Congress have reported receiving a significant uptick in threats of violence and even death,' says letter obtained by 
 * Lawmakers want flexibility to spend their tax payer funded office accounts to upgrade security in their homes and have personal guards 
 * They also want their home addresses to be kept a secret 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted armed Republican members of Congress as 'the enemy within' the House of Representatives on Thursday as lawmakers asked for additional funds for security amid increasing threats to their safety. 

'We will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives,' she conceded at her press conference on Capitol Hill Thursday. 

Asked to specific who she meant by the enemy within, Pelosi forcefully responded: 'It means that we have members of Congress who want to bring guns onto the floor and have threatened violence on other members of Congress.'

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WNU Editor: This is what people who live outside the U.S. (like myself) are seeing in Washington DC today. The political leadership both afraid and angry at those who do not support them. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's accusation that there are members of Congress who have threatened violence on other members of Congress.' is deeply troubling. If such threats were made, that is breaking the law, and these members should be charged and arrested. Since none have been charged and arrested, that tells me that there was never any threat of violence. So why the accusations? This is the House Speaker laying the groundwork to hit hard against those who she sees is a threat to her politically. God only knows what that is going to be.


kidd said...

only the devil cares

Anonymous said...

Difficult to believe this behavior comes from a member of our government but hey! ya gotta do what ya gotta do to keep that 24K reefer filled with that ice cream.
What an insult to the concept of government.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — The video’s title was posed as a question, but it left little doubt about where the men who filmed it stood. They called it “The Coming Civil War?” and in its opening seconds, Jim Arroyo, who leads an Arizona chapter of Oath Keepers, a right-wing militia, declared that the conflict had already begun.

To back up his claim, Mr. Arroyo cited Representative Paul Gosar of Arizona, one of the most far-right members of Congress. Mr. Gosar had paid a visit to the local Oath Keepers chapter a few years earlier, Mr. Arroyo recounted, and when asked if the United States was headed for a civil war, the congressman’s “response to the group was just flat out: ‘We’re in it. We just haven’t started shooting at each other yet.’”

Less than two months after the video was posted, members of the Oath Keepers were among those with links to extremist groups from around the country who took part in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, prompting new scrutiny of the links between members of Congress and an array of organizations and movements that espouse far-right beliefs.

Nearly 150 House Republicans supported President Donald J. Trump’s baseless claims that the election had been stolen from him. But Mr. Gosar and a handful of other Republican members of the House had deeper ties to extremist groups who pushed violent ideas and conspiracy theories and whose members were prominent among those who stormed the halls of Congress in an effort to stop certification of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory.

Their ranks include Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona, who like Mr. Gosar was linked to the “Stop the Steal” campaign backing Mr. Trump’s effort to overturn the election’s outcome.

RussInSoCal said...

The Democrats foisted a criminal fraud onto the country. Call it stealing, cheating, etc. It was a targeted mass ballet-harvesting scheme in four or five states: WI, MI, PA, GA and AZ.

The effort was accomplished using just a few trucks, hauling hundreds of thousands of previously mailed and marked ballets to sway the the vote count in these states.

(All where the vote counts were stopped for no apparent reason and where Trump was leading by large margins).

The election was stolen. Biden in an illegitimate president and they all know it. And he is governing like an illegitimate dictator - ruling by fiat with all these EO's

Pelosi is a liar and a disgrace. This corrupt crone should be removed from office immediately. I find it pleasing that her and her ilk are in fear.

They have created the anger against them. They create more with their incessant, insulting tyrannical behavior.