Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Who Misses Trump On Twitter?


White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday that President Biden and his administration don’t spend a lot of time thinking about former President Trump and they don’t “miss” him on Twitter. 

Speaking at the press briefing, Psaki was asked if Trump’s absence from the social media platforms made Biden’s life easier because the former president is not able to rile up GOP lawmakers to oppose the new administration’s initiatives, such as a COVID-19 relief package that is in limbo. 

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WNU Editor: Not surprised by White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki's remarks. Former President Trump’s absence from the social media platforms has serious hurt the political opposition to President Biden's policies and agenda, and made her job easier. 

As a blogger who enjoys reading people's points of view, I do miss former President Trump's presence on social media. He always provided a different perspective to the main stream media message, and he is a far more effective spokesmen than most (if not all) Republican officials. 

With the passage of time I for one would not be surprised if historians will see this ban as a terrible stain on American history, and an indictment on how politicized and politically corrupt social media and tech companies have become in America. 


RussInSoCal said...

Psaki: "Yes um, we definitely uh, don't miss Trump on um, twitter. His um, fiery rhetoric caused the um, capital white supremacist insurrection on the uh, capital. We um, are grateful for the wise decision to um, ban Trump from uh, twitter."



Anonymous said...

The airwaves will be saturated with soggy cream puff speak for some time now.
Likely the only media acknowledged uproars will be about the color of miss nancey's new spring coat. Miss nancey doesn't like that "b....
VP", claims white house black, veteran, disabled, low income janitor. Gonna be a long period of silly, folks.

Crusader said...

I got back on Twitter because of Trump.
He elevated it to a vital social media platform.
Up to that point, Twitter was a poor tier-three social media platform dying a slow death as it spun in its own circle of hate.
With Trump gone, I visit it only a fraction of the amount of time I did previously.
It's now relegated to professional interests only.
As I've mentioned previously, I'd love to know Doresey's business plan for the upcoming year are. Even some of my most hardcore Dem supporters are visiting it less. There are just so many options out there now (case in point is Clubhouse, who got a huge leg-up from Musk the other day).

Anonymous said...

Trump gave Twitter a bad name
When smart people write letters, proposals, speeches, etc, Trump conducted his regime via Twitter, the pissing spot for the inarticulate

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
