Thursday, May 20, 2021

Another Unflattering Portrait Of US Vice-President Harris

Kamala Harris is sworn in as her spouse Doug Emhoff holds a Bible. Andrew Harnik/Pool via REUTERS  

Edward-Isaac Dovere, The Atlantic: What Kamala Harris Has Learned About Being Vice President 

Everyone expects Harris to run for president again one day, but her job requires her to avoid even the appearance of preparing for her political future. 

Air Force Two is a smaller plane than Air Force One. The exterior is the same light-blue and white, but unlike the commander in chief’s plane, the vice president’s aircraft is open plan—from the back, you can see all the way to the front, where a small office doubles as a bedroom. Kamala Harris spends most of her Air Force Two flights in that office, with the door closed. She doesn’t work the plane, the way Joe Biden or even Mike Pence did. 

The vice president flew on Air Force Two to Los Angeles for Easter weekend, then to Oakland, her hometown, for events the following Monday. As Harris strode down the stairs, the angle of her head and the pace of her step deliberate, California Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis started a round of applause. Kounalakis was still gushing when I caught up with her by phone a week later. “She carries the mantle of this big job in a way that seems very natural,” she said. “To arrive with so much pomp and circumstance, but then to go to a water-treatment plant and then a small business—the juxtaposition underscores the work at the center of her start on the job.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Unable to keep staff after a few months throughout her almost two decades in politics. Rumors of laziness. Only focused on appearances. Not a flattering article from the Atlantic. And now there are rumors of a Nixonian style "enemies list" (see tweet below). 

Wow! Someone is feeding a lot of negative stuff to the main stream media on the Vice-President. 

But what struck me the most about her since she was sworn is was her meeting with Mexican President Obrador a few weeks ago. Apparently she got up halfway in the meeting to attend to something else !!!! This is not how you do act when you are a senior leader of the United States. (translated from ABC Internacional) .... 

.... Much has changed the attitude of the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, towards the White House after the departure of Donald Trump. At his first major meeting with the US vice president, who has recently assumed the task of solving the migration crisis at the border, the Mexican president has come accusing his northern neighbor of interventionist and financier of coup plotters, to which he has added the rudeness of communicating to Kamala Harris that she was not going to stay for the entire meeting – held virtually by the pandemic – for other commitments. Even so, in the face to face, López Obrador has said: “Let’s seek understanding, don’t fight.”


Anonymous said...

The demonic left

Lori lightfoot, blatant racist and corrupt, beautiful example of female leadership and what happens if you have protected classes. Evil and corruption just grows

Kamala "I slept my way up" Harris.. another female leadership example. Makeup over border crisis. Beautiful.

Pedo Biden who is so corrupt people cannot process it. He is responsible for reckless laws damaging the black community. He sold you out to China and enriched himself via pay to play schemes. We have documentation of at least $5mn US being laundered. Witness. Audio recordings. Paper records. Electronic records. No court touched it. The corruption is so deep that your legal systems are failing you. The media is failing you.

You are sleepwalking towards banana republic. Brain drain is starting. Your infrastructure and educational system sucks. Healthcare is unaffordable. Crime is everywhere.


They're demons. No man would do what Biden did to his daughter and son.

Do not follow these evil wicked corrupt demonic people

Anonymous said...

ah, if we can not demean Biden any longer calling him demented or slow etc then let us go after the VP...badmouthing women is big on this site, a place that seems from comments fully frightened by strong clever women.
Cut the badmouthing and examine what is getting accomplished and then compare this VP and President to Trump and Pence. Begin with the pandemic...and health care...and growing economy...and renewed friendships with our allies and strong responses to our enemies.
why turn this site into a cheap tabloid so far to the right that is childish

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Edward-Isaac Dovere is. So I have no idea why he wrote what he did other than as an astute, neutral observer.

I do know what The Atlantic has become. It is a Left/Liberal publication and the editors and publisher allowed this article to be published in the magazine. That says a lot.

10:11 AM opines that including the Atlantic article in the daily aggregation of news articles makes it a tabloid. It may be true. WNU is a cheap tabloid if and only if (ifF) "The Atlantic" is a cheap tabloid. My opinion is that 10:11's comment does not belong here, since it is only fit for the comment section of a cheap tabloid. 10:11 must have made several wrong turn to get here instead of the hamster crush porn site he wanted to peruse.

Obrador has impeccable Leftist credentials. He dislikes Kamala. Either she is not Leftwing, she is a boor, or both.

Anonymous said...

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sharply criticized U.S. aid to a group in his country hours before he met virtually on Friday with Vice President Kamala Harris, underscoring the difficulty of her mission to get his help with immigration issues.

López Obrador singled out America’s funding for a non-governmental group in Mexico that fights corruption and frequently criticizes his administration, reflecting his broader campaign against voices of opposition, including political dissidents and journalists.

Yet the Biden administration is relying on independent anti-corruption and humanitarian groups as part of a wider strategy in Mexico and Central America to rebuild civil society, which they believe will help discourage children and families from making the dangerous journey north from Central America — through Mexico — to the United States.

By criticizing the American aid before his meeting with Harris, López Obrador risked embarrassing her at a high-profile moment — their first one-on-one meeting, if virtual, in her role as President Biden’s diplomatic emissary on the migration issue — and disrupting the administration strategy just a month before her first trip to Latin America, specifically to Mexico and Guatemala.

Harris’ office did not comment on the late wrinkle and whether it would change their strategy. The two leaders smiled and exchanged cordial remarks during the opening of their meeting before reporters were ushered out, with Harris emphasizing their nations’ shared values of dignity, respect and the family bonds.

Anonymous said...

perhaps it is time to stop damning the winners of the election and look at a fuller picture@
Mexican president is the one who was an embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

Trump does not need an enemies list. Simply say something he dislikes and you are The Enemy.

Anonymous said...

10:11, 10:27, 10:28, 10:29 and we are off to the races. A holy of holies has been criticized and the Holy Defender comes out of the woodwork.

Holy defender had to drop everything when he got a Flash, Flash, Flash message coming across his computer. He had to drop everything. No more pictures this morning. He had to go to action stations.

His wife would have so much more problems of all she had was a boob tube to sit him in front of.

Anonymous said...

Here is a question Never asked:

How do so many people from Central American countries get from the Southern border of Mexico to the Northern border, that is the US border when the distance is two thousand miles and they do not have passports for this trip? Why does Mexico not stop them at the southern border of Mexico instead of allowing them to travel all those miles?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Why does Mexico not stop them at the southern border of Mexico instead of allowing them to travel all those miles?"

Mexico did stop them under Trump. It vastly reduced the numbers.

The President Puppet and "Sleeps Her Way to the Top" Harris upended those agreements with Mexico.

Mexico is a country under siege. It has a very small army and the Narcos run a lot of the country along with the human and sex trafficking that Democrats are so house proud of.

It is almost as if Democrats want to turn all of America into Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island. They love their sex trafficking. They certainly do not stop it.

"She Who Sleeps Her Way to the Top" is Kamala's American Indian name.

Anonymous said...

Lololololololo, enjoying it?

Anonymous said...

Bet you checked to see if it existed!

Anonymous said...

Still struggling with reality!!!

Anonymous said...

for those who adore Trump to try to belittle the sex life of the VP and ignore the history of the orange guy is plain silly.
How many lawsuits against Trump in court or/pending and against Harris?
and now: YOU ARE A GOSSIP MONGER AND ALSO FULL OF Posts shared on Facebook show Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, describing the image as “married 60 year old (sic) Willie Brown” and “his 29 year old mistress, Kamala.” Although the photo appears to be authentic, he was separated from his wife for more than a decade when he and Harris dated in the mid-1990s. Their relationship, which ended in 1995, was not a secret."


Anonymous said...

Kamala sleeping with the boss to get a 2 jobs.

*** Class Act ***

Anonymous said...

They weaponize the courts and apply law unjustly and you moron..omfg

Anonymous said...

the girlies sure are busy now that school is out

Anonymous said...

Better being girly than a demonic pedo who defends a coup against democracy just because his team pulled it of

They're tyrants
They try to replace religion with state party

Don't you realise you're on the side of pure evil?

Anonymous said...

Jill Biden to Kamala Harris After 2019 Presidential Debate: “Go F*ck Yourself”

Gold diggers get into a cat fight.