Thursday, August 19, 2021

How A Facebook App Helped The Taliban Conquer Afghanistan?

Preston Byrne: Did America just lose Afghanistan because of WhatsApp? 

Conventionally, the United States did everything right; it installed a government, equipped and trained an army with four times the Taliban’s manpower, an air force, and top of the line American military materiel, and even now is apparently flying sorties against Taliban targets. Yet everywhere the Taliban is in control, and they did so, in many places, apparently without firing a shot. 

So what the hell happened? 

I’m a tech guy, not a military guy. And in terms of the kind of tech I’m into it’s that weird decentralized crypto tech like Bitcoin, not SaaS. 

I do know enough about the war to know that when the Taliban went toe to toe with American and NATO soldiers, the Taliban got its ass kicked basically every single time. No air force, no navy, and no artillery meant that whenever the Taliban revealed themselves on the battlefield they were guaranteed to be cut to pieces by various pieces of intimidating American hardware like A-10 Warthogs or .50-caliber rifles. 

It appears the Taliban tried something different this time around. Open source reporting shows that rather than rocking up and going toe to toe with the Afghan national army, they appear to have simply called everyone in the entire country, instead, told them they were in control, and began assuming the functions of government as they went:  

Read More .... 

WNU Editor: Communications is key in any conflict. For the Taliban to be successful they needed a network to coordinate their attacks and communicate with their supporters while threatening their opponents. The above post explains how the Taliban used WhatsApp to accomplish these goals. 

This is why Twitter must ban these type of accounts .... Twitter Will Not Ban The Taliban While Ex-President Trump Is Still Banned (August 18, 2021). And why all social media companies must now review their policies when it comes to being available in war zones. Because you can take this to the bank. Every rebel/militant group in the world are right now studying how the Taliban use of social media apps helped them to win so quickly and efficiently.

Needless to say. This is my must read post. 

On a side note. The Chinese are using this type of information warfare against Taiwan right now .... With The Fall Of Afghanistan, China Is Exploiting The American Defeat (August 18, 2021).  

Update: The Babylon Bee nails it with this tweet.


Anonymous said...

But but but trump said mean words, so it's cool to ban him while Taliban behead people and Democrats push tyranny. Democrats are the good people, CNN said so, so it must be true and everyone who voted trump is a racist and therefore beating up hundreds of trump supporters for wearing a red hat is not just cool, it's the right thing to do, because CNN said so

Circular logic of the pathological sick left

Anonymous said...

For anyone who can still think independently and doesn't blindly follow the MSM narratives

Latest Alex Jones show with tons of disk scientists on, not corporate pharma shills

Good luck, everyone.. the coming next months will be tough

Anonymous said...


We all know that smart phones make written text trackable by using change of text algorithms.. but it's getting annoying;)

Anonymous said...

The Taliban are clever enough to follow the rules of Facebook. Trump did not.

not tech and not military lost the war. We supported a corrupt and detested govt. We lost the political war.

Anonymous said...

1100 true
Having said that, banning of a president is not normal, it's a clear sign of a corporate conspiracy together with the currently ruling state party

If you look at who works at Facebook and YouTube it's to no surprise. Outrageous yeah.. but that's the demonic left, they only care about power

Anonymous said...


*smells a false flag*

Anonymous said...

1108 is sick

Anonymous said...

"The Taliban are clever enough to follow the rules of Facebook. Trump did not."


When Trump says hydroxychloroquine works and Facebook and Twitter bans him for it, it is political.

Anonymous said...

read what he said and then read the rules
ps telling misfits to march on Capitol, though not said via Twitter is still insurrection provocation. Free country. Free enterprise. Those companies are with their rights in capitalism. You don't like then open your own company

Anonymous said...

1122 that's actually true
What the MSM did with regard to hydroxychloroquine is criminal and caused so much death
That these monsters are not being held accountable tells you everything about the state+state media alliance.. it's not only corrupt and despicable and criminal and wrong, it's been deadly and people not only keep watching these liars and dividers, but they keep watching despite clear evidence that it hurt the population, including perhaps people they know might have died of the information suppression the MSM, the state and big pharma engage in

Anonymous said...

1136 grow up

Anonymous said...

1136 grow up? Fred will never grow up. In fact he is shrinking physically and mentally.

Anonymous said...

blah blah bla
why not try to say something of substance or did momnmy teach you to be a name-calling gossip girly?

This tells us a lot about what we have gone through in recent years

Anonymous said...

Did say something of substance. You ignored it as a debate tactic.