Thursday, September 9, 2021

West African Regional Bloc Suspends Guinea's Membership After Military Coup


France 24: West African regional bloc suspends Guinea's membership after military coup 

West Africa's main political and economic bloc suspended Guinea's membership on Wednesday following a weekend military coup that ousted President Alpha Condé and dealt the latest in a flurry of setbacks to democracy in the region. 

 During a virtual summit, leaders from the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) demanded a return to the constitutional order and Condé's immediate release, and also agreed to send a high-level mission to Guinea as soon as Thursday, said Burkina Faso's Foreign Minister Alpha Barry.  

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More News On The West African Regional Bloc Suspending Guinea's Membership After Military Coup  

West African regional bloc suspends Guinea after coup -- Reuters  

ECOWAS suspends Guinea after coup, says it will send mediators -- Al Jazeera  

West African bloc holds crisis meeting after Guinea coup -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Just so you understand the multi-dimensional attack pattern that's been occuring for several years now, intensifying in frequency (and intensity) over the last years

-- Churches burning in Canada, USA, UK and France and the governments don't do shit and don't seem capable of finding out who did it: Total of 100 churches burned down in the last couple of years. A mystery.

-- Antifa: A very well funded and coordinated gang of 14-35yr olds mostly in the streets and coordinated by old school Marxists who are almost Fred's age. They have been internationally organized for decades and are active in Canada, USA, UK and France. And get this: Somehow the government can't seem to find out who they are, who funds all their equipment. And the local police is always instructed to let them go. Like magic.

See a pattern?

How about this?

-- The reanimation of the dead corpse of racism. Jessie Smollet. A gay, black Hollywood actor who pretended to be attacked by white men. This lie was propagated by CNN. Don Lemon, a black, gay racist who somehow is allowed on television despite his clear racism, is friends with Jessie Smollet and literally said on air that it's oh so typical for white men, and in what country we live in is reflected by what happened. What DID happen, on video, is that Jessie Smollet hired 2 black guys to "attack" him, who he knew. All on video. He, Jessie Smollet then walked into the police station in the middle of winter, with this rope around his neck and sat there for half an hour for show, with the noose (that he himself put around his neck) .. And that's not all of it.. he did it for money to get a raise.. and that's not all of it, he was OK with increasing race tensions, he was OK with portraying white people as bad (so was Don Lemon) and he was OK with potentially 2 white innocent men to be charged and perhaps even convicted for his crime. What happened? The Democrat AG let him go. Image if a white man did that. Do you think he would not be charged? It's such an offensive crime. It's a true hate crime and CNN was ok to propagate the lie. As always.

-- The attack by the same media group, CNN and Washington Post on the catholic school boys who wore red hats. Those monsters! (LOL)
What happened in reality: The native American got into the kids face and drummed the drum IN HIS FACE. Washington Post (jeff bezos, a globalist) was OK to propagate this lie through his newspaper for weeks. He then famously had to pay USD 500million in defamation damages. But think of why they did it. Catholic schoolboys (religion) AND trump supporters (nationalists)

See the pattern yet?

Anonymous said...

Everything the globalists do is against

a) Nation states (borders, America first, the anthem).. that's why they push kneeling during the anthem, it's about

b) Unity: They want to divide you through the lie of racism, that's why they also want to teach you your history is racist, which it isn't - every nation had slaves.. the word slave has latin roots, but there's also the SLAVIC ethymology as SLAVS were so often ENSLAVed by "moors" (the term used for a mix of mid-easterners and blacks who basically enslaves whites and other eurasians) -- in short everything they do is a lie

c) Resolve: They want to demoralize you, and those who work for them, even though you think they work for your country, do not. They work for the new system and if you don't see it, they will succeed

I could write more, the attack pattern has about 50-60 vectors that I have identified, and it all points to a collusion in your highest ranks, including the miltiary and current administration betraying you the nation state(!) USA they swore to represent. Look, I am all for globalism, but not like this, not by teaching you lies, eradicating a history of proud achievements, indoctrinating your children, taking your rights, taking your bodily autonomy (the vaccines are meant to set a precedent of collective health in which they will use also other things like calorie and carbon credits to enslave you and punish you for wrong think or questioning elections, 9/11 and all that.