Friday, October 29, 2021

What Would Be The Consequences If America Lost A War To China?

Strategy Page: On Point: Part One: Consequences of America Losing a War to China 

In July The National Interest published an essay entitled "Can America Lose to China?" written by Kishore Mahbubani, a fellow at the National University of Singapore's Asia Research Institute and a former Singapore UN Ambassador. 

The essay focuses on the China-U.S. political, economic and social competition. Mahbubani begins with an observation: Americans believe "an open society like America has many natural advantages" over China's autocracy. 

By assuming inherent advantage, "Americans cannot even conceive of the possibility of losing out to China." That may well be true, though not quite in the way he frames the problem.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: My must read post for today. Part 2 will be released next week.


Jac said...

When dictators want war, they get it. Germany, Italy and Japan wanted war in the 30's, Great Britain, France and America didn't want war. What happens?: war.

Anonymous said...

I think before Biden/ Harris are out 2024. Question is will they abandon their allies

Anonymous said...

"What Would Be The Consequences If America Lost A War ..."

Liberals get their yaya's off.

Anonymous said...

There's no war without bankers wanting it and financing it all and making money of death and misery

B.Poster said...

America's leadership class almost always vastly over estimates our capabilities while vastly under estimating the capabilities of adversaries and potential adversaries. At this point, losing a war with China seems not only possible but perhaps even probable.

It also seems clear to me that more spending on our part isn't going to fix the situation as doing more of the same things that haven't worked will only make the situation worse. One definition of insanity is continuing to do the same things expecting different results.

I could be over estimating Chinese military capabilities. I hope so. The only way to "know" the outcome of a war is to actually fight the war. I pray we don't have to find out!!

fazman said...

America didnt?, might want to read up on their oil stranglehold , Japan called it.

fazman said...

Don't forget China has no modern warfare experience, the logistical side alone may well prove insurmountable.
Zero combat exoerience does not bode well .

Anonymous said...

At least China doesn't have hyenas who lie about the state of their own country, like someone called fazman who wants us to believe human rights violating Nazis haven't taken over in Australia and NZ

Unknown said...

I think the Biden administrator would seek to limit combat operations to the Taiwan Straight. The CCP would perhaps threaten to annihilate US bases in the Pacific, Indian ocean areas. The US would back down. Milley would call the PLA & reassure the CCP that no US military action would take place. Biden would go on the tube stating that as he said when the USA bugged out of Afghanistan. The USA would not get involved with someone else's civil war. A CCP invasion of Taiwan would be viewed as a civil war. The CCP would praise the very wise Biden, faces would be saved, to a certain extent. The CCP would have a military force to rival & defeat the USA & parts of the Indo/Pac region would come under the sphere of the CCP as would other parts of the world, Africa , South & Central America. This could be the Chinese century. Keep ducking 🙉

Anonymous said...

Brutality like we have never seen before, we think the Chinese are hash on their own people, they would be 10x worse on non Chinese, we would be treated like rats, slavery would engulf the world. We would be beaten, abused and sent to die for sport. The Chinese culture love to lord over others with superiority, they are destructive and extremely hateful. When war breaks out, its a matter of when, its will be unknown capabilities they will overcome the AI and models China will rely on to launch a war. Hence why they are seeking knowledge about Biological weapons.

Sam said...

Once the bombs drop everyone looses...

Anon said...

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