Thursday, October 28, 2021

Will Finland Join NATO?

Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of Nato, (left) and Finnish President Sauli Niinistö held a joint press conference after their discussions in Helsinki on Monday, 25 October 2021. (Vesa Moilanen – Lehtikuva)  

Republic World: NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg Says Door Remains Open For Finland To Join Military Alliance 

NATO chief Stoltenberg referred to Finland as a "close partner," praising the country's "sturdy defence" citing interoperability and major exercises as examples 

During his two-day visit to Finland, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg stated that the door remains open for the country to join a military alliance. 

Furthermore, Stoltenberg referred to Finland as a 'close partner', praising the country's 'sturdy defence', citing interoperability and major exercises as examples. 

"Finland is one of NATO's closest allies, and we are grateful that we have been able to enhance our relationship in recent years. 

I anticipate that this cooperation will be one of the top priorities in the strategy," stated Stoltenberg reported news agency Sputnik citing Finnish national broadcaster Yle.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Doors of Nato remain open to Finland, assures secretary general (Helsinki Times) 

Update #2: NATO Boss Says Door for Finnish Membership Open as Polls Register Spike in Animosity Toward Russia (Sputnik)  

WNU Editor: This is the first time that top NATO officials have ever visited Finland in an official capacity.


Anonymous said...

Russia won't like that

When Russians thought they could fck with Finland, no one survived. Fins killed every Russian.

Look at those stats, jesus so many Russians against a few fins.. that destroyed the myth of tough Russians quickly

Anonymous said...

The Russian invasion of Finland and the subsequent poor showing earned Russia Operation Barbarossa.

Anonymous said...


++++++ BREAKING +++++++
According to the Wall Street Journal, traitor Biden is planning to give nearly HALF A MILLION DOLLAR to each illegal immigrant family which got separated at the Border
++++++ BREAKING +++++++


Anonymous said...

And this illegitimate neoMarxist/communist regime that's collapsing your supply chain, is collapsing your border, is instigating race tensions, is trying to disarm you, is witholding life-saving medical information from you

At what point...

At what point do you say enough?

The shit that goes on in the US, this terroristic, marxist regime, is also destroying by its actions and the precedents it sets MY NATION.

I want immediate arrest of this decrepat psychopathic ruling class which clearly did not get into office by a true election.

They are literally sabotaging your border
Literally killing and dividing you with the vaccines and the mandates

Look at the suicide rate alone caused by the lockdowns which helped no one, BUT THEIR special interest groups, anti-humanists, who now OPENLY talk about replacing large swaths of humanity with machines.

Again. When will YOU wake up?
This is no longer a joke, we are under a new form of warfare that is anti-human, global in nature and they are even starting to terra-form our planet, now openly talking about destorying forest for... wait for it... for climate change.


If you wait longer they will use martial law next to fill the camps

Anonymous said...

Finland will never join nato