Thursday, December 15, 2022

Israeli PM-Designate Netanyahu Says US Needs To Reaffirm Support For Allies, Including Saudi Arabia

File: In this photo released by the Saudi Royal Palace, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, right, welcomes US President Joe Biden to Al-Salam Palace in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 15, 2022. (Bandar Aljaloud/Saudi Royal Palace via AP, File)  

Al Arabiya: Netanyahu: US needs to reaffirm support for allies, including Saudi Arabia 

The Israeli PM-designate said that part of the Democratic Party had moved “sharply” to the left, “in some cases, to a radical position and often against the wishes of a broad constituency in the public.” 

Incoming Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that he wants US President Joe Biden to reaffirm Washington’s commitment to its “traditional allies” in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia. 

“And I view that alliance with the United States as particularly important,” Netanyahu told Al Arabiya English in an interview. 

Consecutive US administrations have voiced their “ironclad” commitment to the security of Israel, but cracks have appeared in recent years as divisions over Iran have led to increased US criticism of Israeli policies towards Palestinians.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Israel's Netanyahu urges US to reaffirm commitment to Saudi Arabia - Al Arabiya (Reuters)  

Update #2: Israel's Netanyahu Urges Biden to 'Reaffirm' US-Saudi Ties (Bloomberg)  

WNU Editor: I had to do a double-take when I first saw this story. An Israeli leader warning the U.S. to reaffirm its commitment to Saudi Arabia. But the Democrats are not listening .... White House clashes with Senate Democrats over Saudi weapons bill (Washington Post).


Anonymous said...

It has been commented by national radio hosts that Joe Biden is losing the war of reading the Teleprompter.

The less he can read the more he will fill in the gaps by ad-libbing. We know how that turns out.

The only time Biden can push back against his handlers is in public on stage.

His handlers do not feel the same pressure as they would if they make policy in their own name. That insulation form blame will make those policy makers behind Poor Old Joe miscalculate.

The Alzheimer's patient will be left holding the bag when things go south.

Anonymous said...

yep. that is why Biden number go up up and up and Trump is now down down down and will NOT be a nominee for GOP.
Now just about all modern presidents use a teleprompter. If Trump did not, it was because he is unable to read and so spent his time badmouthing people.

fred said...

Israel and some Arab nations coming together because they recognize that Iran is the real enemy in the region.

fazman said...

And they need to support ukraine more military

Anonymous said...

The Sauds and Israelis have been supporting each other for a while. When there was a possible attempted coup in 2017 the Israelis were supposedly getting ready to support MBS. They have an interest to be allies.

The policy they both share is their common goal to keep Iran at bay.

The Israelis are looking to save their own skin in this situation.

The Israelies need US money to run their economy....35 BIL since 1975. And that is only the known aid they receive.

In diplomatic area, the US is the Israeli protector.

So look at latest events

Saudis are the backbone of the petro dollar economy that helps make the USA one of the most influential Powers in the world.

Saudis are pivoting to china. As seen in this weeks meetings with china.

If the USD /IMF/ UST economy hits wall because people start trading oil in other currency than USD. It could mean a financial collapse of the US economy.

If the USA economy implodes where does that leave Israel? Out on a limb.

That is why Benny is saying these things. The Israelis like things just the way they are.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:28 = 4:29

Trump's numbers went down because The Biden mafia used the tools of the state to smear him. That was in July. Biden's numbers top going up in September and haver hung there and begun to slip in October. As of December 4th his numbers have begun to climb probably based on war fears. Some achievement.

It could be a little about the gas prices coming down, but the price always come down after Labor Day and driving/vacations season is over. Also, with the COVID lockdowns China's demand was less. So Biden will claim credit and then turn around after memorial Day 4 months from now and claim a president can do squat.

Marine Corps doctrine is that you use statecraft, nation building (build health clinics etc) to preclude war. It is like step 0. You fix things so war does not break out in the first place. In this instance Trump succeeded and Biden failed.

Trump shot himself in the foot by going after DeSantis and now with his most recent announcement. Trump is a little bent out if shape now. With so many in the intel community lying about him and the FBI and CIA launching a 3 year coup against him, it is little wonder that he is.

It is a wonder that 51 former and current intel officials can like about Hunter's laptop to help Joe and hurt Trump and not lose their jobs.

I have asked you several times for the names of the hookers who peed on the bed and you never replied. At least not intelligently. Just a bunch if lip and "Nyah, nyah, nyah." Why is that?

Anonymous said...

I have no comment on Hunter's laptop. That is in the hands of the FBI. And then tell us about this:

WASHINGTON — The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation into a $2 billion investment by the Saudi government into a firm formed by Jared Kushner after he left the White House last year.

Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., wrote in a letter to Kushner that her committee is looking into the investment by the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia, which is controlled by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, into Kushner’s firm Affinity.

as for polling, It is the poll of the GOP that has pushed Trump's numbers down. No. Not Biden. No. Not the Dems. No. Not the nation's voters. The GOP

Anonymous said...

Typical Fred. Deflect on Hunter Biden's laptop. Runaway, bug out, skedaddle ignore.

I know where Trump's number are with all voters and with the GOP. But nice finger wag. Been doing that ever since you became a PhD.

Also Fred ignored the pee tape controversy. Fred does not want to talk about it anymore. Fred has moved on. You would think that was named after Fred's argument style.

On Kushner, unless you have a quid pro qou email or taped phoncon good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Does Fred seem a little brighter than last year? Health is better? Medications are dialed in? Person with the sock puppet fell out of character?