Thursday, March 2, 2023

Two Thirds Of Canadians Suspect China Tried To Interfere In Recent Elections That Returned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau To Power

(Source: Angus Reid Institute)  

Bloomberg: Canadians Fear China Swayed Elections That Put Trudeau in Power  

Two thirds of Canadians suspect China attempted to interfere in recent elections that returned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberals to power, according to a new poll.  

(Bloomberg) — Two thirds of Canadians suspect China attempted to interfere in recent elections that returned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberals to power, according to a new poll. 

More than half think the alleged meddling represents a serious threat to Canada’s democracy. A similar proportion says Trudeau’s response to the simmering scandal hasn’t been tough enough. 

A series of recent media reports that cited secret intelligence documents alleging China attempted to interfere in the 2019 and 2021 votes has brought the issue into the spotlight. Trudeau has so far resisted pressure to call a public inquiry into the matter. 

While the strongest belief in Chinese interference comes from supporters of the main opposition Conservatives, the survey published Wednesday by the Angus Reid Institute found majority support for the notion among backers of all parties.  

Read more ....  

Update: 2 in 3 Canadians, 41% in Sask. believe China attempted to interfere with federal elections: poll (CTV News)  

WNU Editor: It looks like the Trudeau government has been trying to minimize and/or bury China's attempt to influence Canada's elections. I live in Canada, and I follow the news here very closely. But it is only in the past two weeks that I and everyone else has learned to what the extent that China tried to influence our elections. And today's bombshell is this. Prime Minister Trudeau was was regularly briefed on foreign inference in Canada's election process .... Trudeau was regularly briefed on foreign interference in elections, national security adviser says (National Post), but choose to not inform the public that this was happening.  

Update #2: As a Canadian I find this incomprehensible .... RCMP not investigating 2021 election meddling allegations, MPs told (CBC News). i would like to know who made that decision, and why.


Anonymous said...

Trudeau and Mao sitting in a tree ...

They also sought to erect a statue at the university’s law school of chairman Mao Zedong, the Chinese leader who brought his country under Communist control and, in his decades as the Great Helmsman, oversaw policies that led to huge numbers of deaths from famine and violence.

“They suggested one of Trudeau and Mao together,” Geneviève O’Meara, a spokesperson said.

Pretty ballsy to suggest a Trudeau/Mao statue. CCP feeling very confident.

Anonymous said...

Come on, where are the Trudeau cheerleaders, I know your out there. Even lefty Canadians tore Trump and his administration apart for colluding with Russia, which turned out to be untrue. The level of hypocrisy in this part of the world is great that you really can’t blame a man for supporting Russia. There’s just gotta be something better out there than this.

Anonymous said...

polls mean nothing. Evidence from intel means something.
If X number of people think the earth is flat, is that worth noting? Well, perhaps. If you are trying to show the percentage of dopes in your population.

Anonymous said...

Israel installed Harper. Canada is an open colony.

Anonymous said...

"If X number of people think the earth is flat, is that worth noting?"

Yes, it is. Such people would think NASA was a waste or a fraud.

Also, such people might be scientific illiterate in other areas, which can affect a great many things.

1:13 good to see you walking around with your fly unzipped.

Anonymous said...

^^ is that what you look at and for?

Anonymous said...

No, when people like you pop off, you have identified yourself. The type is well known.