Sunday, April 23, 2023

Pentagon Envisions Robot Armies In A Decade

(Illustration by The Epoch times/Shutterstock)  

Epoch Times: IN-DEPTH: ‘It Is Skynet’: Pentagon Envisions Robot Armies in a Decade 

The Pentagon's quest for an AI-dominated battlefield is becoming a reality 

WASHINGTON—Robotic killing machines prowl the land, the skies, and the seas. They are fully automated, seeking out and engaging with adversarial robots across every domain of war. Their human handlers are relegated to the rearguard, overseeing the action at a distance while conflicts are fought and won by machines. 

Far from science fiction, this is the vision of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley. 

The United States, according to Milley, is in the throes of one of the myriad revolutions in military affairs that have spanned history.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Somewhere Skynet is smiling.


Anonymous said...

What could go wrong..

What could go wrong, if you equip a corrupt cabal that has been pushing satanism and a great reset by 2030, with exactly the enforcement methods they need to accomplish their anti-human goals?


Full enslavement of us all.

Before the robots roll out, watch this:

Corporate takeover of the WHO, which is now majority private funded - AND get this: The president of the WHO will have powers bigger than our elected leaders (from bad to worse)

Don't believe me? It's being discussed in parliament and affects EVERY country on earth except Lichtenstein.

Anonymous said...

7:18; LOL, first this is why we make OFF switches. Second, people don’t want to educate themselves, so it’s on them why the need to be controlled. I.e. Chicago youth! Damn parents don’t know how to raise their offspring.

P.S. My wife is a teacher, I see this in the schools. 😩

Anonymous said...

8:07 AM

Respectfully, please watch the video before you comment. You are way off, my friend. This above link shows a very grave danger being imposed on all of us 24 May

Do you realize that Bill Gates, who brags about how good of an investment "vaccines" were, is the major financor of the WHO? The WHO is no longer a publicly controlled organization but on 24 May it will take over all governements with unstoppable powers.

Powers to put you in a camp, legally.
A foreigner (WHO president, who pays no taxes, is protected by law and was not elected, and is answering mostly to Bill Gates) HE gets to declare what every child, every adult around the World has to do during the next pandemic.

Full on lockstep.

Please. Friend, watch the video.

Anonymous said...

in the USA, these robot killing machines will be unleashed on the opponents of the Democrat party. Our future awaits us.

Anonymous said...

Im more interested in love bots

Anonymous said...

Will not fly in conus,
and hopefully the islanders get it too.
Guamanians in the house?